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Authors notes: Heres the continuation. Enjoy!!

Jan Dis pov

I couldnt look at him. I felt hot flashes just contemplating lifting my head to meet his eyes. He seemed to have guessed my thoughts, as he took the decision right out of my hands. Gripping my chin in a surprisingly firm yet gentle grip, he lifted my face to his gaze.

The minute our eyes met, I shivered. His gaze was not the same gaze that I was used to. Oh, he still gazed at me with tender eyes, yet now there was something different about it. Maybe it was the possessive way that he gazed at me, or the hint of something else in his gaze. I didnt dare think further on it, not wanting to get my hopes up too high just yet.

He suddenly seemed to shrink back into himself. He instantly became the person that I had fallen in love with all those months ago the shy, withdrawn, aloof yet lonely person he was before. I didnt even process my reaction to that, I just jumped into action.

I immediately leaned across the bed and enveloped him in a hug, letting all my pent up emotions for him that I had kept tightly shut within me out. He seemed to freeze at first, but he relaxed instantly after that and hugged me back. He let out a rough breath, squeezing me in his embrace as he buried his nose in the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply.

Are you okay, baby? I didnt hurt you, did I? he asked me in a rush. I know that I shouldnt have taken advantage of you like that, but I just couldnt help myself. I just had to have you at that moment. You dont even know how crazy I have been for you all these months past he trailed off, hugging me tighter.

I couldnt help but hug him back tighter.

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