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QUIZ- SEM3 T or F 1. The Charter of the Kingdom of God is set forth in the TEN COMMANDMENTS. F 2.

Personal commitment to being Christs disciple is NOT the key to all Christian morality. F 3. The basis for moral living, then, is not our good intentions or efforts but rather Gods love for us. T 4. The response to the Kingdom is MADE ALONE.F 5. Sins in the Holy Scriptures are found both in Old and New Testament. T 6-8 Give the 3 Dimensions of SIN 6. Spiral 7. Sickness 8. Addiciton 9. ____ refers to situations and structures that attack basic human rights and dignity, and infect social relationships between communities. SOCIAL SIN Since SIN is seen as a crime, give any crime found in the Revised Penal Code that is also a violation of any of the 10 commandments 10.

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