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Classroom Management Planning Grid

Goals for my student:

Transition from one task to another Be able to remain on task Listening without talking Follow directions

1. 2. 3. 4. Teacher should teach the gesture that will be used to get the students attention. Teacher use explain why the gesture is important Student listen for the gesture and look to the teacher for further instructions Student should remain quiet and not interrupt the teacher when the teacher is given instructions 5. Student should follow directions and do as they are told by the teacher

Student should work quietly without talking because if they are talking they will not be able to listen to the gestures to gain the students attention. Student should not interrupt the teacher while they are giving instruction because this will interrupt the teacher from giving the directions Student should not interrupt others because this will prevent others from hearing directions Student should remain on task then the transition will be done smoothly

Green Card- Good Day Blue Card- Lets think about our actions Orange- Lunch detention/no recess Purple- Email/call to parents Red- call/email to parents and sent to principal office

Get holes punch daily and once they receive 30 student will be able to get a reward such as a free homework pass or a pick out of the treasure chest which is filled with snacks and school supplies.

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