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Things Students Want to Know

5. How will I be Graded?

As a teacher I am more concerned about my students passing my class. Students will have both individual and group assignments, homework, quizzes, and unit test. I do not grade on a curve; students grade must be earned based on his or her ability to learn the curriculum.

Ms. Campbell & Her Son (Deandre)

6. Who is the Teacher as a Person? I will have a bulletin board display outside of my classroom for students and staff members to view. This board will be called the personality board. For the first month of school I will have pictures displayed about my life, my family, where I was born and raised, and where I graduated from high school and college at. After one month has passed students will be aloud to display their lives on the bulletin board. This will help each student get to know their peers better; and it will help with learning about different cultures that we may have in our class. A different student is encouraged to participate n the personality board every two weeks.

7. Will the Teacher Treat me as a Human Being?

All students will be treated with respect, love, and dignity. Everyone is required to respect each other and use kind words to each other. Praise will be given to those who show repeat to their peers.

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