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Contact Chair: Ken Jackson 480-350-7202 CitC Manager: Verl Farnsworth 480-204-0964 Instruction Coordinator: Sandra Dee Reid

480-335-8659 Curriculum and Teacher Training: Sarah Rowse 602-301-3008 Treasurer: Gene Dufoe 480-835-9637

Mission Statement
Our purpose is to instruct children of Arizona on the true principles of liberty as established by the framers of the Constitution. This will prepare the next generation to protect and secure these precious freedoms as well as to take an active role in government. Volunteer teachers with age appropriate material will give students a working knowledge of the Constitution and its application to current problems. Students and their families will increase in patriotism and become determined to protect liberties that are so quickly slipping away.

Lesson Summaries
Lesson 1: Technology Leap; Discovering Five Advantages of Free Enterprise. An Amazing technology leap followed the adoption of the Constitution which initiated capitalism in the new United States. Lesson 2: Power Struggle Rulers Law/ Anarchy/ Peoples Law. The Founders wisely provided for rule by the people with a republic. Presenting the unquestioned truth that the Constitution provided greater individual freedom than any other government of the world. Lesson 3: Founding Fathers and Declaration of Independence. Wise, true principles that were enumerated by the Founders in the Declaration of Independence are taught. Lesson 4: Preamble and Articles I,II, III. The purposes and proper roles of government as defined in the original Constitution are presented. Lesson 5: Bill of Rights and A Sampling of Amendments. Emphasis is given to the truth that rights reside first in the people and that laws are designed to limit government infringement.

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