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Terrestrial Biome Rainforest

Tundra Taiga Desert Temperate Grasslands

Common Plants/ Animals Gorilla, Vine snake, Banyan tree, peacock plant Arctic fox, Caribou, Lichen Moose, Hawk owl, Needles, Conifer Yucca, Cactus, Dingo Cardinal, Turkey Lion, Ostrich, Prairie flowers

Interesting Features 2 types of rainforest: temperate and tropical Permanent ice exists meters from surface Winters are cold summers are warm Deserts are caused by rainshadow effect Changes seasons No bushes in grasslands

Weather/Climate Warm weather (tropical) Cold (temperate) -60F (winter) 20F (summer) -65F (winter) 20F (summer) Excess of 100 degrees 50 degrees F 10-30 inch of rain per year

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