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News Report

Rising levels Flooding In Battambang

Residents keep watch as water overflows from some of the areas of in the Kamping Pouy Basin since Oct/8/13

The authorities in Cambodia said that on Tuesday peoples are concerned over the rising levels of flooding in the Battambang as scary floods continue to ravage the kingdom. people concerned that if the water get continues to rise
in tonight, will burst and the water will be spill into Battambang. One of the 14 districts in the flood-hit the province and hundreds of families living near the Kamping Pouy Basin, between two mountains in Ta Kream commune west of the provincial, were evacuated as waters overflowed from some areas of the reservoir on Tuesda. Heavy rains have started since last month have caused floods in 15 of Cambodia's 23 provinces and left at least 83 people dead, according to the authorities. Waters have already flooded 54 houses, if the situation worsens it also a lot problems in

Battambang province too where all districts have been destroy by floods. Authorities used the speedboats to evacuate or save some of the villagers to safe the shelters for peoples. More than 100 people who live and work in or near Kamping Pouy basin have got a problem because the dam is causing flash flooding too much and we want to avoid more drowning, adding that 10 people have already drowned in the province.

Battambang Dam Levels Add to Cambodian Flooding Concerns. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2013.

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