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Enables or disables metadata security by Entity dimension members SecurityAsPartner attributes. By default, metadata security is determined by the security classes assigned to dimension members. However, for the Entity dimension you can use this method to enable and disable an alternate form of security that uses entities SecurityAsPartner attributes, and not their SecurityClass attributes, to determine access rights. If you enable SecurityAsPartner attribute security, it is in effect for the session until you disable it.

For Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Fusion Edition. Checks if the specified Entity, Account, ICP, C1, C2, C3, C4 are all base members. If all members are base members, then data can be input into the cell.

Indicates whether the OrgByPeriodApplication setting for the currently open application is on or off. Returns TRUE if the setting is on, FALSE otherwise.

Returns data audit information from a given range of audit records that meet the specified filtering criteria; the filtering criteria include date range, application server, and username. Audit information is returned in several arrays that have a one-to-one correspondence, with data values of audited cells returned as doubles. An application stores audit histories only if the audit-related application settings have been turned on.

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