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Journal Prompt #4 As per usual, select a couple of the ideas/questions from the following set to respond to in a journal of at least

1.5 pages with 12 pt font and double spaced lines and 1 margins. The Odyssey, The Inferno, Moby Dickall of these texts take on as their subject the journey, which begs the question of what a journey actually is. Or maybe, what the definitions of journey are. IS there a difference between a physical and a mental journey? Do the two necessarily coincide simultaneously? What journeys have you been on? Are you currently on? How can one even tell one is on a journey? Is the journey essential to the American experience? If we take the (awesome) idea from the beginning of chapter twelve that place is not down in any map; true places never are and remix it, can we say that a true journey (whatever that means) has to mean more than just moving from Point A to Point B? If so, how can we tell what happens on a journey?

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