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If I suddenly became director of the school , the school would be a big change occurred .

First, I would remove all the teachers who do not know how to communicate with students without shouting and namecalling . I'd take a job lot of new teachers - young , fun , able to shed new light on the familiar material . And I would pay teachers raised - is the work harmful, requiring large nerves and time , because we , the students , not sugar. And it is impossible for a long time and work well on enthusiasm . I also issued a decree that the classes were not more than fifteen people , and the classes themselves have gained interest : some depth study of the history , the other - the math , and others - literature. Then the children would learn a lot more interesting . Students to a serious and responsible attitude to their learning, I would introduce lessons to prepare and conduct the students themselves And be organized between the various classes of more educational and simply entertaining games . Much in the school, I would refitted or built anew : to put computers in classrooms , built a swimming pool, a nice gym with exercise equipment , broke the school garden. And other violators of discipline at fault I would be sent to the working out of the school : to wash , clean , clean up , repair . Then all would be good. Much could be reconstructed into our school, but unfortunately , I am not a director. Perhaps our current headmaster would agree with many of my dreams , innovations , but in reality he somehow he can not do that . Too much prevents the transformation of the school , and to learn from the director takes a long time . Still, I would like to see the school, when I grow up, have changed for the better, so that they really become a second home and a place students of the prestigious and interesting work - for teachers.

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