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Meal 1 - Shake- 1 scoop whey protein with 100 ml skim milk and rest water or Breakfast Essential + 1 fish oil

Meal 2 - Post workout, 2 medium slices of brown bread with 3 egg whites and come coffee. You can even have oats, but do not take more than 150 ml of skim milk with it...and yes no Sugar At All.

Meal 3- (you would be at work) 1 - 2 apples (get juicy ones). No Oranges or berry's etc . We need high fiber and less sugary snack. Even if you have to force feed yourself, go for it. The idea is to keep you full, because if you delay this meal or skip your apple, your hunger prank will kick in and you would not be able to stop. This meal has really helped my patients, not to cheat on lunch.

Meal 4: Salad- I am usually flexible with diet suggestions, however we need to be very rigid to win over the diabetic condition. Make a salad for your lunch from home or order it where ever you work. The salad needs to have some chicken or fish in it (not fried) and lots of green leafy vegetables. Lastly, no mayo- or any other sauce on it. (this is a bit tough, you can add some natural vinegar if you like) + fish oil + liver tab.

workout 2

Meal 5 : ON whey with fat free milk + 1 vitamin pill

Meal 6: Anything cooked at home -Minus- Fried/Bread or pasta/ - OR- . Have a soup with a single roasted chicken breast. This meal needs to be taken 90 minutes to 2 hours before you hit the bed.

Warmup 30 minutes Running Main Interval Set 5 sets of Leg extension @ 35lbs, 45lbs, 55lbs, 45lbs, 35lbs to failure (alternative each leg) -2 sets of 10 situps w/ 10 sec rest -2 sets of 10 straight leg situps w/ 10 sec rest -2 sets of 20 crunches w/ 10 sec rest -2 sets of 10 leg raise holds w/ 10 sec rest -2 sets of 30second flutter kicks w/ 10 sec rest -2 sets of 35second planks - w/ 10 sec rest

-2 sets of 35second side planks w/ 10 sec rest -2 sets of 30 second planks w/ 10 sec rest Cooldown 15 minutes on the bike

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