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Sommer El-Khatib English 1 Block1 25 September 2013 Barghouthi, Mustafa. "The Lack of an Independent Palestinian State Makes Peace Impossible." The Middle East. Ed. Nol Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Current Controversies. Rpt. from "Smothered by Settlements." International Herald Tribune 14 Oct. 2010. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 24 Sept. 2013.

Title: The Lack of an Independent Palestinian State Makes Peace Impossible Author: Mustafa Barghouthi In the article The Lack of an Independent Palestinian state Makes Peace Impossible Mustafa Barghouthi explains the importance of an Independent Palestinian State, and how it will bring peace and security to the Palestinians and the Israelis. It talks about the balance of power between the Palestinians and the Israelis as well as how Israelis control the land, roads, airspace, borders, water and electricity. The building of Jewish settlements in the West bank and East Jerusalem has doubled the number of settlements in Palestine allowing the Jews to occupy the land longer. It says we have surpassed the critical point at which any more settlements mean the death of a two state solution because there will not be any more room for both Palestinians and Israelis to live in peace. So the solution should be an independent state of Palestine. This article helped me understand my topic more deeply by explaining the occupation of the land in Israel and who controls the area, as well as where the Palestinians stand. This article is a good resource for my organization because it also explains how the Palestinians struggle to

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nonviolently end the Israeli occupation of Palestine. It also explains how Palestinians should have their own sovereign state. This article helps me answer my research question by telling how the Israelis control the country of Palestine and how Palestinians and the Israelis can no longer have a two state solution , but need their own sovereign state of Palestine. To what I understand this text is persuasive because it is trying to persuade the reader to agree with an independent state of Palestine by using emotion to appeal to the viewer. I could use this information in my project by explaining how there can no longer be a two state solution for Palestine and the answer is to have its own sovereign nation and I agree with the article.

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