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Conversation Listyo Bekti Miranti as a patient Ajeng Kusumaningtyas as a nurse


: Goodmorning nurse : Goodmorning miss, please come in : okay thanks : sit down, please. First, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ajeng, you can call me

Nurse Ajeng, okay? How are you today? P N : okay nurse Ajeng. Uhm I feel dizzy and lassitude. : Im sorry to hear that. But, excuse me miss before I check your health problem could I

collect data about you, please? P N P N P N P N P N P N P N P N P N P N P : okay nurse : okay miss. Whats your full name? : Listyo Bekti Miranti : uhm okay, and how can I address you? : Mira please. M-I-R-A : okay miss Mira. How old are you? : 19 years old : where and when were you born? : I was born in Tangerang, on 23 July 1993 : okay, where do you live? : I live in Godean. : Whats your occupation? : Im a university student : may I have your phone number? : yaa. 085693431325 : okay. Are you married? : Not yet. Im still single : Excuse me miss Mira, whats your religion? : Im a Christian : okay. Whos your next of kin? : my father. His name is Sayogo

: okay thanks miss Mira. Ive done collecting your data. Now, I would like to check your

health problem. Would you mind, please? P N P N P N P N P N P N P N : Yes please nurse : whats your problem? : I have stomachache : when did you first notice this pain? : well, I suppose about 5 years ago, when I got my menarche. : would you point at the location of your pain, please? : its in lower part of my stomach nurse. Its in here : whats the pain like? Is it sharp, dull, stabbing, aching? : its a painful cramp. O my God, its bother my daily activity : do you know the cause of your pain? : Im on menstrual periods, nurse. I always experience this painful cramp each month. : and what did you do when it happened? : I had to sleep. But the pain is easy come easy go : uhm, okay miss Mira. I would like to examine you. Ill check your blood pressure. (...) Its low blood pressure miss, 90/60 mmHg. P N : yaaah, I always get it every month nurse, and I feel it get worse each year. : well miss Mira. You know that youve got dysmenorrhea. This painful cramp normally begin

one to two years after a woman starts getting her period. Pain usually begins 1 or 2 days before or when menstrual bleeding starts and is felt in the lower abdomen, back, or thighs and can range from mild to severe. Id check a few tests again, okay? Ill make sure that you just got a normal dysmenorrhea P N : okay nurse, thanks : youre welcome

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