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The novel Doctor Jivago,firmly refused by soviet printing houses and considered a defaming remark on the people and

d communist party was published for the first time in Italy,,in 1957,awarded a year later with the Nobel prize.The volume has 610 pages and the action takes place at the beginning of the 20th century,when bullets were flying all over Moscow. The main character is an orphan names yuri jivago,son of a factory owner from Siberie,who commited suicide and of a mother who never met with.He has a variery of talents but the most impressive one is his talent in literature.After he receives his diploma in medicine,he gets married with the daughter of an industrialist and landlord,an old friend from his childhood.Soon,their first child is born but the war destroys the harmony in his family.Called up on the front,doctor jivago meets lara,a gorgeous young lady,having a license in history and married to pasha antipov,also enrolled in the army.To find out whether he is alive or not,lara follows him as a nurse.A beautiful love story starts between her and doctor jivago.They fall deeply in love with each other but yuri is called up again,in the attention of the Bolsheviks.After 18 months of terror and nightmare,he manages to desert,going back to his true love,lara.They hide in an abandoned house placed in a desolate field ,out of the town trying to run away from the anger of the Bolsheviks.There appears theprotector of lara,an old and despicable lawyer named komarovski who takes lara with him,separating the two lovers forever.Harrassed by the soviet system and by his lost love,doctor jivago will continue his life in agony.He will not stop a moment trying to find lara and he hopes they will meet again someday.Lara,kidnapped by kamarovski,will not either stop hoping and she will do anything to find him again.One day,she manages to escape from the man who deprived her of the love of her life and she wanders,seeking yuri jivago.The stockpiled pain in the heart of yuri weakens his heart,putting his life in danger. Finally,he sees lara holding hands with a child who proves to be his son- but he can not reach her because he collapses due to his heart disease and dies.Lara will go to his grave and she receives all his creation,written during their affair,in the house on the field.Deeply woeful she says goodbye to yuri,the man who always loved her,until death. The novel doctor jivago,describes an amazing love story which ends dramatically,making a huge emotional impact on the reader.To my mind,yuri jivago is nothing but a victim of the Russian system who keeps him away from his true love and family,and whose life represented a continual fight for survival.

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