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Spiritual Rules Forgive yourself for any mistake you make.

stake you make. Make laughter and joy a greater part of life Slow down and enjoy the present Look at the positive side of the negative situation. Avoid seeking out other people for constant approval Look inside instead of outside for life problems Never say or do anything abusive to child. Volunteer to help someone in need Finish unfinished biz Think about abundance , instead of lack, because whatever you think about expands Learn to be in the present moment See friend instead on enemy on the face of strangers. Talk less and listen more Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone and often, the great spirit will listen Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative energy that you put out into the universe will multiply when it return to you. Never interrupt when you flattered. Everyday go out and do some kind The easiest way to feel good is to make others good. Life flows from the inside out, never the reverse. Take 5 minute relaxation break. When you feel stress, deep breath for several minutes with eyes closed imagine a calm scene. Relax the muscle in shoulder. Go for a gentle walk with aura of golden light.

Ask yourself personal guides to help you in your daily work. Be helpful, kind and compassionate to everyone. Talks wastes spiritual energy. Whenever your are in trouble, say yogi ramsuratkumar. Love is the root of all spiritual practices. Dedicate your actions to the lord say OM tat Sat which means I dedicate to Thee. Chant Om Kriya Babaji Manahah Aum with love and devotion for Babaji, particularly when the going gets rough. Turn to babaji with your prayers and ask for his guidance.

Be joyous, nothing matter, behave like a child. Be smiling, be kind, be enthusiastic, your are nearer to God.

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