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Places & relative positions - ANSWERS

18.1 1) here; 2) here; 3) there; 4) there 18.2 1. Shes coming back from Paris 2 No, there are restaurants everywhere


18.4 Ejemplos de respuestas posibles (puede haber muchas ms, al ser preguntas abiertas) 1 2 3 I am studying (English) at home/in Spain. I dont have money to study abroad. When I studied English, I studied at home/in Spain. Yes, I'm going to London and to the USA. No, Im not going anywhere. I cannot afford it. At the moment I have a pen in my right/left hand. At the moment I have my hands on the keyboard. At the end of this book there is the answer key (singular) At the end of this book there is an index (singular) At the end of this book there are some tables/drawings (plural) I have no idea (of) what there is at the end of this book.

18.5 1) abroad; 2) out; 3) away; 4) away ----- abroad.

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