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The Government of Greece

OCT. 2013


The President

Greeces Parliament
The official name of Greece Parliament is the Hellenic Republic Greece is considered to have a parliamentary republic. Greeces government consists of three different branches. The three branches are judicial, executive, and legislative with the constitution being the highest law of Greece. Karolos Papoulias serves as the President and Antonis Samaras serves as Prime Minister. The President is elected by Parliament for five years and can serve for another five years. The President is the one who appoints the prime minister. The executive branch consists of Prime Minister and Members of the Cabinet. The legislative branch consists of the Vouli ton Ellinon, which is Parliament. Parliament consists of 300 seats and members are elected every four years through public election.

Karolos Papoulias has been the president of the Hellenic Republic since 2005. This will be his second and last term as president. In 1997, Papoulias entered Parliament and has served a total of 27 years. He served as deputy foreign minister in 1981-1984 and foreign minister from 1985-1990. He holds the title head of state for Greece. His role is mainly symbolic. politics.htm

The Prime Minister

Antonis Samaras is the current Prime Minister of Greece. He assumed office in June of 2012. Before becoming Prime Minister, Samara served as Minister of finance in 1989 and minister of foreign affairs from 19901992. He is part of Greeces CC Conservative Party and is considered the head of government.

Sources: (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from

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