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Name Games
Pantomime name game- students stand in a circle. They must come up with a verb (doing word) that starts with the first letter of their first name. E.g. Kicking Kate. Students go round the circle telling the group their verb name and performing the action along with it. Someone will start the game by saying their own verb name, then someone elses. This passes it on to that person and they must say their own plus someone elses. The game gets faster as it continues. Zumi Zumi- Rhythmic hand clapping game. One person is designated Zumi Zumi. This person starts by singing the Zumi Zumi chant. They then say Zumi Zumi and then someone elses name twice. The clapping gets faster each time it is thrown back to Zumi Zumi and the song is repeated. Blanket name game- Students are split into two teams. Leader holds up a blanket in the middle of the teams so they are unable to see each other. One person from each team will go up to the blanket and when it is lowered must yell the persons name on the other side before they yell theirs. A point is awarded for the winner.

Ice Breakers
Big Booty- Stand in a circle around the campfire. One person is nominated Big Booty. The rest of the people are given a number 1,2,3,4 etc. in order around the circle. Students do a rhythmic clap whilst singing the chant. Big booty starts and says their name then a number, the person with this number must say their number then another. This continues until someone mucks up. The person who stuffed up goes to the end of the line and everyone is assigned a new number depending on where they are now standing. The aim of the game is to work yourself up to Big Booty and stay as Big Booty for as long as possible. Gotcha- Students stand in a circle with their hands facing up. They will make a platform with their left hand and have their pointer finger on their right hand facing into the platform made by the person to their right. The aim of this game is to grab he persons finger before they are able to get away, whilst also stopping your finger from getting grabbed. The leader will count down by saying ready, set, go. They may also use a particular word e.g. cheese as the go word, and try to trick the students by using words that rhyme with it e.g. squeeze. Students go out if their finger is grabbed or if they pull away on the boagy words. Symbol Game- Similar concept to Zumi Zumi, but use symbols instead of names. Each students creates their own symbol (must be quick and easy to perform) and this replaces peoples names. There is no talking during the game, only clapping. Zip Zap/Bang- Students stand in a circle. The leader is in the middle and will point at someone saying Zip. This person must duck down and the two people either side of them must turn and shoot each other by saying Zap or Bang. Either the slowest person or the person who says the wrong word or does the wrong action is out. The final two people have a standoff starting back to back and taking a step every time the leader says a number. The number 6 is the cue to turn around and zap the other person. The leader can throw in boagy words to throw them off.

Speedy Rabbit- Everyone stands in a circle and the leader is in the middle. You first teach the group the various poses of the game, each should use 3 people. The leader will point out one person from the circle and yell out an animal. That person and the people on either side of them need to make that pose. If someone messes up by making the wrong pose or moving when they werent supposed to they are out. Poses include; Rabbit: Person in the middle jumps with rabbit paws and the people on the outside stop their foot. Cow: Person in the middle crosses fingers with thumbs pointing down, people on the outside pull on thumbs. Elephant: Person in the middle imitates an elephants trunk, people on the outside put up their hands & act as the ears. Look up, Look down- Students stand in a circle looking down at the ground in the middle. The leader says look up and students must stare someone in the eyes. If they happen to see someone staring back into theirs they have to scream and step out of the circle. Leader says look down and process is repeated until two winners are revealed. Pulse- Students are split into two teams, standing in two lines facing each other. Students in each line hold hands and the student at the beginning of the line is the only one that is allowed to look at the leader. At the end of the line is an object. The leader has two different coloured leaves (brown and green). When the first person in line sees the green leaf, they must squeeze the hand of the person next to them, this continues down the line until the last person feels the squeeze. They must then attempt to grab the object before the other team does. If they are successful, the person who was last moves up to first position. The team wins when the first person is back to their original position. If someone squeezes on a brown leaf, this is a foul and the person who was previously up the front must move back. Ah, Soh, Kah- Students in a circle. The aim of the game is to stay in as long as possible. The different words have different actions accompanying them and these must be completed correctly otherwise you are out. Ah-pass it sideways, Soh-pass it sideways overhead, Kahpass it across the circle to someone new. Words must be said with enthusiasm! Bock- Students standing in a circle, making glasses with their pointer and thumb (other fingers up). The aim of the game is to pass the bock around the circle without messing up. Moving your right hand sends it right, it must continue right unless if you bockerk with both hands moving at once. This sends it in the opposite direction (left). If you bock twice in any direction the person next to you is skipped. People are eliminated until only two left. Evolution- Simple game of rock, paper, scissors on a whole group scale. Start off as an egg and progress through to chicken, dinosaur, ninja, monk. Students must act out the stage they are at and try to move up the ranks by winning the rock off. Can only rock off with someone of the same stage as you. If you lose you move down a stage. Play until everyone becomes a monk or cannot progress any further. Peg Tag- Students are each given a peg their must attach to the side of their hip (on their shirt most preferable). Aim of the game is to steal other peoples pegs and add them to your collection, also not to get yours stolen by others. Person with the most pegs at the end wins. Group Peg Tag- Students get into groups of three. The person in the middle attaches a peg to the bottom of their shirt at the back in the middle. They must then link arms with the two people on the outside. Students work as a team to avoid their peg being stolen and to steal as many as they can.

People to people- Students pair up and stand in a circle. Leader starts off by asking students to connect two different body parts e.g. head to knee, hand to head, ankle to ankle etc. Students must do this. When leader says people to people, students must run across the circle and find a new partner, trying not to be the odd person left. This person then becomes the caller and must name more body parts to connect, they can say people to people whenever they like. Heads vs Bums- Students are asked to get into pairs and stand facing their pair in a line. One side is assigned heads and the other bums. Students must run around with their hands either on their heads or their bums and try to tag the opposite team, converting them to their team. The winning team is the team that ends up with all members doing the same action e.g. head or bums.

Move your butt- Students in a circle. Leader in the middle. The leader will say move your butt if... and if any of the students have done this or if it applies to them they must run into the middle of the circle and then find another spot left by someone else. They cannot move either side of them. The aim is to not be left in the middle of the circle. Truths and Lies- Students are to share something with the group; this can be a lie or something true. The rest of the group must vote on whether they believe this is true or not. You can ask students to tally up the amount of correct guesses they get to determine a winner and the best lie detector. Mute line up/Mute story telling- Students think of an adventure that has happened to them in their life. They must line up without speaking in order of the dates their adventure occurred. Leader will check to see if they are correct. Students will then fold the line in half and face a partner. They must then act out their adventure to their partner without speaking. The partner must guess the story. It can be reported back to the group by one person acting and the other narrating their story. You will then find out if the narration was correct.

Chuck the Chicken- Divide students into two groups. One group has the task of throwing the chicken as hard as they can in any direction. As soon as they throw it, that group will huddle as close as possible while one person from the group will run around the huddle counting the number of times they make a complete circle. The second group will run after the chicken and then get in a line and pass it under then over then under, etc. until the last person gets it. When that last person gets it they will scream CHUCK THE CHICKEN and then throw it as hard as they can, repeating the cycle until the leader yells stop. The number of circles made by each team is tallied. Cheese Grater Stage 1- all students run through rope Stage 2- everyone runs through in a row Stage 3- everyone jumps through Stage 4- all students jump through in a row Stage 5- all students jumping the rope at the same time (make an achievable goal e.g. 5 jumps)

Defuse the Bomb- Set up a rope as the safety line and another rope about 15 meters away in a circle. Inside this circle place 30 rubber dots numbered 1-30. Students are given a scenario: There has been a bomb planted in the centre of the city. You are the only people who can diffuse the bomb. To diffuse the bomb, you have 30 seconds to leave the safety zone, run to the bomb circle, touch each rubber circle in ascending order and return to the safety zone. However, only 1 person can enter the bomb circle at a time. And if you do not make it back to the safety zone before your 30 seconds is up, you will be killed. You have an unlimited amount of chances to save the city! Blind Polygon- Students stand in a circle with their eyes closed all holding onto the rope (which is tied in a circle). The leader will call out a shape and the students must attempt to make this shape with the rope by moving positions. Once they believe the shape is correct they will open their eyes and see how close they got. Human Knot- Students stand in a tight circle and put both hands in the middle. They must close their eyes and then grab the hand of someone else. This will result in a tangled mess of hands. They must then work together to untangle the knot. Electric Fence- Set up a rope horizontally between two trees at belly button height for an average person. Scenario: You are locked in a zoo enclosure with bears and have limited time until they will attack. The only way out is to get over the electric fence. You must not touch it, as it has 10,000 amps of electricity running through it, and this will kill you! Work together as a team to get out before you are mauled to death! Dissolving Lilies- Set up an area with ropes at either end defining the boundaries. Give students rubber markers. Scenario: The rope at the other end of the area represents finishing 2nd year. The area between the ropes represents all the things that stop you from finishing e.g. plagiarism, TV, Facebook etc. You must work as a group to all make it to the end of second year without touching the ground, unless you are standing on one of the rubber markers, which represent things that will help you get to the end of 2nd year get students to brainstorm these e.g. support, hard work, commitment etc. These must be kept in contact with at all times, otherwise they will be taken. Silent Opera- One student is nominated as the Speaker and one the Follower. The rest of the students are the Actors. The actors will be given a scenario that they must convey to the speaker without speaking. The speaker must then describe what they see to the follower who will be blindfolded. The speaker cannot see the follower. The aim is for the actors to successfully get the follower to play out the scenario.

Trust Activities
Tanks- Students pair up and one person is blindfolded to begin with. Their aim is to enter the battlefield and make as many hits on enemy tanks as possible. To do this, their partner will direct them where to walk in order to pick up objects and throw them at other people in the battlefield. If they hit someone they gain one point. The director will keep tally of points. There will be flat rubber markers in the area also and if students throw and hit someone with a toy whilst standing on one of these they get double points. Students swap over and the director now becomes the tank and vice versa.

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