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HOLISTIC METHOD ---------------

VIBRATIONAL MEDICINES ---------------------

There are many modalities like sound healing and new technologies that use machi nery to emit vibrations for the purpose of smoothing or reshaping our vibrational bei ngs, but nature herself uses her flora for this same purpose. This is why the doctrine of signatures is important the shape, size, colour etc of flowers in the natural world have be en formed by their own unique vibrational state underlying their form, and when that form reflects or resonates with us, one of our organs or part of our bodies, it shares a vibratio nal state. This is why it can be used in healing to work on the deeper levels of healing pa st our physical form, all the way to the core vibrational being. And the healthier your vibrational form, the healthier your whole body, mind and soul. Richard Gerber MD, in his excellent book Vibrational Medicine, provides a more s cientific and physiological description of how flower essences work. When an essence is ing

ested or absorbed through the skin, it is initially assimilated into the blood stream. Then it settles midway between the circulatory and nervous systems. There, an electromagnetic cu rrent is created by the polarity of the two systems. The essence then moves directly t o the meridians, which are vital mechanisms of interface between the subtle bodies and the physical body. From the meridians the flower essence is amplified out to the chakras and variou s subtle bodies and then back again to the physical body. The amplification also magnifie s the life force potency of the essence and aids in its assimilation. The quarts-like cryst alline silica structures in the physical body, such as those in the blood stream, the hair and nails, amplify and transmit the healing energies of the flower essences to their approp riate sights of action, and at the correct frequencies. This whole process is similar to the way radio waves strike a crystal in a radio so that the crystal resonates with the h igher frequencies, absorbing them and transforming them into audio frequencies which c an be heard by the human ear.

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