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Community Mental Health Loretta Wainwright Stats Prevalence presenting for psychological complaints 8 in 100 patients (11.

1.5 according to GPs) Depression 5th most common problem, anxiety 15th most common 1:5 Australians experience mental illness in any one year 93% of GPs bulk-bill mental health services 3 Step Process to Mental Health Plan 1. Assessment: biopsychosocial history, mental state examination, assess comorbidities, risk assessment, diagnosis/formulation, administer outcomes tool (K10, monitors patient progress) 2. Referral/Rx: discuss with pt, agree on achievable goals, psycho-education, plan for crisis intervention 3. Review: record patients agreement, review progress, modify plan if required, readminister outcome tool Focussed Psychological Strategies Include the following (for specially trained GPs): Psychoeducation Motivational interviewing Cognitive Behavioural therapy Interpersonal therapy Narrative therapy (indigenous clients) Psychoeducation: analogies are good Motivational interviewing: Client-centred counselling style for eliciting behavioural change Focus on what do you want to be different? Attempt to create cognitive dissonance Graduated exposure: checking SUDs score Activity scheduling Cognitive interventions: replacing dysfunctional thoughts with self-promoting talk) Homework is important with CBT. Relaxation strategies: guided imagery, deep muscle and isometric relaxation, controlled breathing, mindfulness practice Problem solving Interpersonal therapy

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