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Josie Alford Dr.

Suhr-Sytsma Eng 101-000 7 October 2013 Reflection For my first draft of Project 2, I spoke about the effects the learning environment has upon students learning and understanding in the classroom. I used a lot of comparison and contrast to find the ways that teachers effect the learning environment for students. Through my peer review complete by Cam, I realized I was going in the wrong direction in my essay. My argument was that teachers can either negatively or positively effect the learning environment, but I did not utilize Canagarajah or Williams in order to verify my claim. Through the evolution of my writing for Project 2, I came to the question of how does the identity of the teacher correlate with the learning environment and the students learning in the that environment. This argument is different because I utilize Williams theory of identity in literacy narratives in order prove that teachers effect the learning environment. I went through revising through the advice of Cam to utilize Williams and his hero versus villain identity complex. This inspired me to explore how identities were involved in Sedaris and Zhous narratives. The way that I explored the identities surprised myself because I actually used Williams as a lens to see how identity of the teacher effects the learning environment. I would like to elaborate more on how the teachers identity effects the learning environment by providing outside research to prove my claim.

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