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A beautiful way to teach kids about Salaah by a mom

: to keep the heart and mind attentive, it is important for the tender minds to
know the meaning of prayer, most of the time we only tell them to pray and teach
them the theoretical part, with actions. Why not try explaining to them a short
meaning of prayer. We do not need to go in detail at this stage, because going
in too much detail will only confuse them till the age of 14 this is enough for
them to understand.
I explained to my children in this short manner!
We can be rich, we can be powerful, we can whatever we want on this earth, but w
hen we turn to Allah, we know, we are weak. The reason we pray to Allah everyday
five times, is because we submit ourselves and our weakness to Allah SWT.
When we stand (Qiyam) in prayer we say Allah hu Akbar by raising our hands, what w
e mean is that Ya Allah, You are the greatest! Ya Allah I have left the dunya beh
ind me and submitted myself to You. We then continue in by folding our hands and s
tanding in a position, just like a servant who stands in front of the master or
just like if you were to stand in front of your principal with folded hands in o
bedience, but here, you are standing in front of the Master of masters that is A
llah, imagine how you should be standing! What we say here is that Ya Allah, it i
s You who has power over everything in this world, and we have no strength to do
anything, so we seek your help to guide us to the right path. We then go for Ruku
, here we bow in front of Allah, saying, Allah is the one who is Exalted (The Mos
t Powerful) and all praises are due, only to Allah. Sujood is the most important
and the best part of salaat, we completely submit, by prostrating ourselves and
the most important aspect is to prostrate in humility. If there is no humility
in your Sujood then, we have not fulfilled its criteria. We then pray for the Pr
ophet PBUH, and ask Allah to grant him a high rank, because the Prophet PBUH has
spoken the truth and delivered the message in truth, and by saying the shahada,
we testify that There is no god,but Allah and Muhammed PBUH is the messenger and
say AsalamAlaikum to the angels and they record our salaat in the book of deeds
, which will submitted to Allah SWT on the day of Qiyammah.
This short explanation of Salaat will be in the minds of our kids when they pray
and will leave them concentrating in Salaat...this is what I explained to my ki
ds and hope it benefits your kids too.
JazakAllah Khair.

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