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MUDRAS AND EMOTIONS -------------------

Mudras have a wondrous effect on the emotional area of our lives, which includes the soul, our feelings, and our moods. It is no coincidence that people make fists when they are vehemently agitated, or that hands become limp and their movements flighty during depressions. If we want to change oppressive moods, we can do so by changing our breathing rhythm accordingly. The way we breathe can stimulate us, calm us, inflame us, or cool us down. Mood fluctuations, which many people suffer from today, can often be largely eliminated within a few days by using mudras. However, I rec ommend that you practice the respective mudra and meditation three times a day for at least 10 minutes (or twice for 20 minutes) while lying down or sitting. Moods and physical complaints are similar. In order to cure them, we must look for and remedy the cause, which almost always lies within. We should never blame our surrounding world for our moods. Parents, children, partners, colleagues at work they are only reflections of our inner life. Even if we initially can't change our environment, we can work on our inner attitude toward the surrounding world, changing it in small steps. Perhaps your response to this is, "But I worry." Does it help you in any way to worry? Does worry improve your circumstances? I know how difficult it is to let go of worry. Conversations to clear up the situation and/or a prayer have always helped me the most in dealing with them. The divine powers have always helped me up to now without exception. Each of you will be helped, if you only permit it. When you let go of a worry, you no longer have to think about it.

Chronic bad moods of any type (aggression, depression, dissatisfaction, fear, etc.) can also be caused by weakened or even sick organs, digestive problems, blood pressure, pain, or other physical reasons. Based on the moods th ere are different Mudras.

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