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Entry One: Yesterday, we observed others launch their rockets, and got more ideas about how our rocket should work and fly; We also used PVC pipe to connect our two chambers together. Day 7. Entry Two: Today, we glued on a PVC ring that allows us to attach our Whirlybird Wings to the rocket. We hunted down zip ties, and watched as Dave cut our Plexiglas. Day 8. Entry Three: Today, we basically sat and watched our rocket dry, after we attached our wings to the rocket. Day 10: Entry Four: Today, we took our rocket and threw it off a cliff. We were testing to see if our Whirlybird wings would actually slow the rocket down. It did but our wings were destroyed in the process. Then, we launched the body of the rocket, and it turned into a two stage destroyer. It flew very high, and we got praises from Dave, saying it was the best rocket design he has seen in years. Day 11: Entry Five: Today we began reconstruction on the rocket. While I sanded PVC and attached whirlybird wings, Emily was able to glue another pressure chamber together, and we connected the two together. This was probably the most productive day we have had. Day 12: Entry Six: Today, we cut and glued on fins and a nosecone. Day 13: Entry Seven: Today, we found out that someone touched our nosecone, and had to re-glue. Day 14: Entry Eight: Today, we spray painted our rocket, and made it a gold, red, and blue color. Emily placed sparkles and glitter on the nosecone and wings. Day 15: Entry Nine: TONIGHT IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!! Rocket final weight: 29 newtons Rocket Height: 102cm.

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