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Transgender Factsheet

What is ‘transgender’?

Transgender people’s gender identity differs from the gender which they were assigned at
birth. Transgender people suffer from what is known as gender dysphoria. This may be
described as being ‘trapped in the wrong body’. They identify psychologically and emotionally
with their preferred gender.

What is ‘gender identity’?

Gender identity is the gender(s), or lack thereof, a person self-defines as. Gender identities
include male, female, both (bigendered), somewhere inbetween (third gender/genderqueer),
or none (netrois).

What is ‘gender dysphoria’?

Gender dysphoria refers to the anguish, dissatisfaction, and discomfort that transgendered
people experience about their unwanted physical gender characteristics. People with gender
dysphoria often seek to change their physical characteristics in order to align them their
preferred gender. This is part of a process called ‘transitioning’.

What is ‘transitioning’?

One aspect of transitioning is changing the physical attributes of gender in order for them to
correspond to the person’s gender identity. Another aspect is coming out to others, in order
for them to perceive the person as their preferred gender.

Is transgender a sexual identity?

Being transgender is not a sexual identity; transgendered people may identify with any sexual
identity including straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, polysexual or asexual.

How common are transgendered people?

Since not all transgendered people make their transgendered status publicly known it is not
possible to give an accurate estimate of how many transgendered people there are. However,
the latest estimates suggest that 1 in every 5000 people identify as transgendered.

What causes people to be transgendered?

It is not known what causes people to be transgendered, but transgendered people do not
consider themselves to be suffering from a mental illness. Therapy does not have an effect on
their gender identity and the latest research suggests that the cause is biological and fixed
before birth.

How should I treat transgendered people?

Transgendered people will appreciate you respecting their gender identity, and using the
name and pronouns that they ask you to. This may not be easy to remember at first, but
eventually it will become automatic. If there is something that you do not understand, look it
up and educate yourself and/or ask!

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