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An Inves2ga2on of Water Conserva2on in UCCS Residence Halls

The Reality of the Situa2on: Data & Sta2s2cs

Mission: To describe the problem at hand, present data and sta2s2cs, and introduce methods and strategies to implement change.

Student residents = 10% of campus popula2on but majority of water usage Nominal project budget Increasing water rates Increasing student popula2on Inecient monitoring

Cost Overview
$500,000 on u2li2es in residence halls Summit Village = 17% of total energy costs

A signicant reduc/on in water use is of the utmost importance!

What to Do?
Change culture of Residence Halls

Change is Impera2ve!
"Change is the only constant." Heraclitus, Greek philosopher Change in inevitable, so lets steer change in the right direc2on

Kogers 8-step Model

Developed in 1996 by author John Koger Main focus is on the core problems people face when leading change Koger found changing the behavior of people and focusing on successful change occurs when organiza2ons speak to peoples feelings.

Following The Correct Steps

Focus = successful and powerful change Relate issue to students feelings, emo2ons, and individual reali2es

Kogers Steps
1. Create Urgency 2. Form a Powerful Coali2on 3. Create a Vision for Change 4. Communicate the Vision

5. Remove the Obstacles 6. Create Short-Term Wins 7. Build on the Change 8. Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture

Step Two: Form A Coali2on

Change is necessary Leadership is vital Collabora2on with other clubs/orgs

Step Three: Crea2ng Change

Create a clear vision Develop strategies Invested change coali2on

Step Four: Communicate The Vision

You vision determines your success-focus on the right things! Our focus: Promo2ng and ins2lling water conserva2on ideals and values into students living in student housing in big and small ways The How: Pledge Wall Decals Water Conserva2on Campaign

The Pledge
Have freshmen pledge to conserve water. Give students a reason to join the pledge.

Social Media
Use social media to reach out to pledges.
Be ac2ve on Facebook, twiger and other social media sites.

Use social media to tell students about all events and e-vite them.

Tac2c: Wall Decal

Summit Village common areas such as elevators & stairwells 6 images 3 posi2ve, 3 nega2ve. Images focus on Colorado Rotate weekly to prevent Poster Blindness

Step Four (Contd)

Sustainability-sponsored event upon freshmen move in Social opportunity for new students! Sponsors Free stu pledges, social media Immediately immersed in sustainability culture

An Immersed Culture
Sustainability culture will be reinforced year- round
Students are immediately immersed in sustainability culture they realize that this is the way UCCS does this right from the beginning RAs will post meaningful posters year-round rela2ng to sustainability with facts poin2ng out the reality of the situa2on and the individual impact one can make Recruitment to the coali2on through RHA, SGA, and other on-campus organiza2ons to promote collabora2on and community

Steps Five And Six

5. Remove Obstacles
There will always be those who resist change, if the change becomes the status quo, change is inevitable Short term win for water conserva2on, short term wins will lead to an accomplishment of a long term goal

6. Create Short-Term Wins

Steps Seven And Eight

7. Build On The Change
Be consistent in following up. Con2nually promo2ng water conserva2on

8. Anchor The Change

Con2nue to work with students, leaders, and UCCS faculty to help preserve a water conscious culture

The Hope
Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Change will take place in our water conserva2on eorts, for the sake of our future genera2ons Our students are the key to change

Thank You!

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