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Innovation is a word that we hear very often.

Innovation is closely have relation with the times, along with the development of technology and this information.This requires an innovation that can answer all the challenges resulting from the development of technology and information. In general, innovation means a process of development or utilization of knowledge which is applied to the goods or services with the purpose adding value to the goods or services. Now we can not be like a frog in a shell that is always lurking again, but we have to come out with an idea can make us able to keep up with the times. An innovation that can be useful for all people and for the world. Innovation does not just mean that we create something that does not exist into existence, but could we add a value to a product or service , so it has more added value . There are 4 types of innovation that can be done include : 1 . Discovery : Create a product , service , or process that has never been done before . This concept tends called revolutionists. 2 . Development . Development of a product , service , or process that already exists . Such concepts into existing applications have different ideas . 3 . Duplication . Imitation of a product , service , or process that has been there . Despite this duplication is not merely imitate but to add creative touches to improve the concept to make it more capable of winning the competition . 4. Synthesis . A concept and the factors that already exist become the new formulation . This process includes engambilan number of ideas or products that have been discovered and shaped so that the product can be applied in new ways . I think innovation is a process where we add value to the goods or services that exist. Innovation seems to me not only to discover new things in the world of technology and information, but innovation that includes where we can add value to a product or service that already exist so that more perceived usefulness. Innovation has something different from the goods and services that were previously. I think it must have a unique innovation and value that can be useful of course, so it can be utilized by the community for the common good of course.

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