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Dear audience: It is a great satisfaction to me having completed my studies of English in this prestigious Educational Institution; I want to thank my wife,

my children and my parents for their unconditional support and their patience. In addition to this, I want to thank to my teachers: Huver who with I started and I finished this course, Miss Alice and teacher Gerardo, thanks for your teaching, understanding and support at all times, as well as UK Vivential staff. A special appreciation to my classmates, I will remember them forever. God bless you. A big hug for everyone. Thank you very much.

Estimado publico presente:

Es una gran satisfaccion para mi haber concluido mis estudios de English en esta prestigiosa Institucion Educativa, Agradezco a mi esposa, mis hijos y a mis padres por su apoyo incondicional y su paciencia. Asimismo a mis teachers: Huver con quien inicie y culmin este curso, a miss Alice y al teacher Gerardo por sus enseanzas, comprension y apoyo en todo momento; as como al personal del UK VIVENTIAL. Un aprecio especial a mis ex-compaeros de clase, los voy a recordar siempre. Que Dios los bendiga.

un fuerte abrazo para todos. Muchas gracias. .,

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