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Dear Principal Jones, I am writing to you due to the alarm created by the e-mail you sent to the Film

Club. I am going to try to explain some important reasons to keep your finantial support. First of all, I must tell you that although we are considering alternatives such as a small increase of entry fees or lengthen the Fridays evenings by programming a disco, we are a bit reluctant about them, as they would betray the spirit of the club. It is also truth that our DVD library has been hopelessly neglected and our old DVDs are rarely picked up for fun, but that is a matter of money rather than interest. However, I would like to remark the fact that - thanks to our successful Quiz Evenings - the amount of members is increasing day to day. 15 new members joined last month, and more are expected as the result of our campaign, which is a virus-like one (the more we are, the faster we grow in number). To finish with, I would like to remind you the major reasons why we created our club, which was (and still is) to provide our students with a healthy and cultural leisure activity. If cutbacks come the club will fade to die, and such activity will not exist. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Iigo Iratzoki

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