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Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to you to express my bitter disappointment with the Historical Tour I booked and joined

last week. That tour was the only holidays I was going to enjoy the current year. I have neither time nor money to afford another holidays trip. To begin with, I must tell you that I feel I have been tricked by you. Your advertisement explains very well all that things that are included in the price, but not those other things that are not, such as admission to monuments. I understand that it is impossible to specify all what is not included in the price, but you will agree that it is not fair not to include the tickets in the price, or at least not advertise about it. Moreover, we suffered your lack of organization that leaded to miss our coach trip to the port of Ostia, and to a third free day due to the sickness of our guide. Please, do not misunderstand me; the guide is outstanding, and she made her best. What annoyed me was the lack of alternatives, as if it were impossible to hire another coach or find another guide. The guidebook demonstrated being useless in this situation as it does not provides you with clear suggestions about how to spend an evening or a whole day in Rome. I expect to receive not a full refund, yet a fair compensation for all these disturbances. I am sure you will be thoughtful enough to measure it properly. For any further information or needed explanation do not hesitate to contact with me ( I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours, faithfully Iigo Irazoki

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