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Review: SCOOP

Sondra Pransky (Scarlett Johansson) is an American journalism student who is visiting some of her friends in the United Kingdom. She goes to a magic show where she is chosen for one of the magical tricks by the magician Splendini (characterized by Woody Allen). In this trick, she is supposed to be dematerialized inside a magical box. The show goes on, but while Sondra is inside the box, the spirit of a recently dead reporter manifests himself and tells her that he will give her the biggest scoop of the year. The spirit tells Sondra that the Tarot Card Killer the serial killer who drives all the police department crazy is Peter Lyman (Hugh Jackman), the wealthy and attractive son of a well-known British aristocrat. Sondra convinces Splendini to prove that Peter Lyman is actually the very searched serial killer and both get involved in a bewildering adventure, in which the reporters spirit helps them by giving them some clues. However, the more Sandra knows about Peter, the more in love with him she is. This is a very recommendable Woody Allens film, even if you do not like Woody Allen. One of those with theatre play atmosphere. It is funny, sometimes ridiculous and seasoned with those absurd dialogs in which you can hear things such as I was brought up in Judaism, but I converted to narcissism some time ago.

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