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Before anything else, I must confess that I am fan of none.

I cannot understand that kind of goodness that some famous people have for their fans. So that, I hope that while reading this competition entry you will keep in your mind that I am not a person blinded by fanatical feelings. Julian Retegi was without doubt the most important pelotari (pelota player) in the history of the Basque ball. Until his arrival, pelota was an amateur sport and it was he who turned pelota into a professional sport. His behavior on the ground (called fronton) was not approvable for everybodys taste, but his lack of humility and strong tendency to be outspoken was most of times forgiven because of his ability and the quality that he was able to show every time he reached a fronton. His acting was always of the highest standard. Among all the skills he had, his speed at running and his left hands beats were his most terrifying weapons. It was the combination between ambition and high skills what made him champion so many times. Julian was an ambitious pelotari who got to be winner in every kind of pelota competitions, even in those modalities in which he did not use to play as trinkete, for instance. Maybe that compared with some of the nowadays high standing pelotaris he would not be the most outstanding one, but nobody would refuse to include him in the top of the list of the known pelotaris.

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