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Starting point is either A: the denition of a concept by accounting for what is already availible (AVAILIBLES) inductive B: the defenition of a concept by applying what could be produced (PRODUCEABLES) deductive

Figure 1: timeline BLES/PRODUCEABLES






By combining timelines into dierent sets of situations it is possible to engeneer a process. An engeneered process is starting point for crafting a manufacturing process. A crafted manufacturing process is a possiblity for a continuity of production-servicecomerce.

for example a process could look like this, whereas the ammount and direction of bars indicates the ammount and structure of steps to be done.

Figure 2: a process with 1 step,3 steps,1 dierent step,3 stepps dierent to the one before,1 same step and one dierent to the ones before

This of course is directly staight forward to be applyable as barcodes that can be attached as stickers to a consumable,product or AVAILIBLE. By a simple iphone-app or smartphone app it is possible to take a picture with iphone/smartphone and read out of the barcode: 1. what the object is supposed to be used for 2. what process chain it is involved in 3. what else it might be used for 4. what the current inventorial-list holds for logistics,warehousing Thus the breakpoint of the process of crafting a production-concept is the choice of straightforward top-down bottom-up mixture of those in order to make a process either designable right from the start/scratch and for sure reproducable and accountable for during the whole timeline of its existance.

Figure 3: process structure accountability design pattern

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