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basic position:suck in stomach ,tighten ur bottom and hold Pulsing:Fingertips as counter weights focus follow the energy in your

face Blow away: Ex1:Eye toner 2/day 1.BP 2.Place index fingers b/w eye brows.Wrap ur thumb lightly to outer eye 3.Look up Make strong squint(partly close eye) up with lower lid Ex2:Lower eyelid lift 2-3day 1.. 2.Place ur i.f's at outer-eye corners middle finger @ inner eye corners down wit h light pressure 3.. 4.aSquint up and release 5 times keeping ur upper eyelids wide open b.Hold this squint upto 30s Ex3.Eye brow lift 1.. 2.Place i.f's in middle of ur forehead parallel to top of each eye brow 3.Pull ur fingers down look up while pressing down with ur fingers. 4.aPush ur eyebrows up and release ..5 times b.Hold count to 30 5.release and massage in center of ur brow Ex4.face toner 1.. 2.

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