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We Can Make a Difference

In todays era of globalization, the race towards economic progress and stability is inevitable. However, we cant deny the fact that the Philippines comparing to countries such as Japan, Singapore, United States of America, South Korea and China which are taking the lead in the pursuit, is far left behind. Yet, behind this sad reality lies the various solutions. Yes we cant make it to the top in just a click of a finger but every Juan dela Cruz across the archipelago can do something to slowly change our countrys economic condition. The first key is discipline. Lets face it, we Filipinos lack this virtue. From the simple action of not throwing trashes at proper bins to the disobeying of traffic rules and up to the corrupting of those who are in positions reflect how we tend to live without discipline. A big part of our countrys population is comprised of those who can perfectly act as a rational being, thus, possessing self-discipline at all times is something that we should not be constantly reminding of. Besides, self-discipline starts within us and for it to be constantly seen it should be constantly practiced. Through discipline, the nation will have obedient citizens thus every rules and regulations will be followed. With these, crimes and chaos if not totally eliminated will surely be lessen. The next key is unity and cooperation. Every Filipino, whatever the status in life is, contribute to our countrys conditions. That is why we should not put the blame on a certain individual or a particular group for what is going on with our nation. Let us not point our fingers on each others face, instead let us join hand in hand in dealing with every dilemmas that the Philippines is facing. An action brought about by an individual couldnt be immediately notice and felt, but an action done by a group of people could make a big difference. Just like a broomstick, Filipinos can work efficiently through collective actions. With unity and camaraderie, nothing is impossible to attain. Discipline and unity if constantly practiced along with the effective implementation of laws, competitive educational system and corrupt-free government will make the Philippines take the lead in the race towards progression. We Filipinos, as citizens of the nation should always keep in mind that we can make a great difference.

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