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Enclosure to Item No. 4.



Manualforthe (1)B.Com. (2)B.ComAccounting&Finance, (3)B.ComFinancialMarkets (4)B.ComBanking&Insurance& (5)BachelorofManagementStudies(BMS) Programs : B.Com/ B.Com(A&F)/ B.Com(FM)/ B.Com(BI) & BMS
CreditBasedSemesterandGradingSystemwith effectfromtheacademicyear20112012)



***** NAACACCREDITED (20012006)


For ProgrammesUnder



Unit6 ProgrammesUndertheFacultyofCommercealongwiththeassignmentofCredits TitleoftheProgramme:BachelorofCommerce(B.Com.)DegreeCourse

Year I Semester I Course Code TitleoftheCourse CoreCourses/CommerceDiscipline 1 UBCOMFSI.1 AccountancyandFinancialManagementI 2 3 UBCOMFSI.2 UBCOMFSI.3 CommerceI (BusinessDevelopment) BusinessEconomicsI Lectures/Tutorials 04 03 03 03 (Tut.1perBatch) 04 05 (Tut.1perBatch) 03 04 03 03 03 (Tut.1perBatch) 04 05 (Tut.1perBatch) Credit 03 03 03

AlliedCourses 4 5 6 UBCOMFSI.4 UBCOMFSI.5 UBCOMFSI.6 BusinessCommunicationI EnvironmentalStudiesI MathematicalandStatisticalTechniquesI 03 03 03

FoundationCourse(Interdisciplinary) I II 7 UBCOMFSI.7 FoundationCourseI CoreCourses/CommerceDiscipline 1 UBCOMFSII.1 AccountancyandFinancialManagementII 2 3 UBCOMFSII.2 UBCOMFSII.4 CommerceII(BusinessDevelopment) BusinessEconomicsII 02 03 03 03

AlliedCourses 4 5 6 UBCOMFSII.3 UBCOMFSII.5 UBCOMFSII.6 BusinessCommunicationII EnvironmentalStudiesII MathematicalandStatisticalTechniquesII 03 03 03


FoundationCourse(Interdisciplinary) 7 UBCOMFSII.7 FoundationCourseII 03 02

Year II



Lectures/Tutorials 04 03 03 04 03 03 04 03 03 04 03 03

Credit 03 03 03 03 03 02 03 03 03 03 03 02

AccountancyandFinancialManagementIII CommerceIII (ManagementandFinance) BusinessEconomicsIII BusinessLawI AnyOneCoursefromtheList FoundationCourseIII AccountancyandFinancialManagementIV CommerceIV (ManagementandFinance) BusinessEconomicsIV BusinessLawI AnyOneCoursefromtheList FoundationCourseIV

AlliedCourse AppliedComponentCourses(AnyOne)* FoundationCourse(Interdisciplinary) II IV CoreCourses/CommerceDiscipline 1 2 3 4 5 6

AlliedCourse AppliedComponentCourses(AnyOne)* FoundationCourse(Interdisciplinary)


Year III Semester V Course Code TitleoftheCourse Lectures/ Tutorials 04 04 03 Credit

CoreCourses/SpecialGroup 1 2 3 UBCOMTSV.1 UBCOMTSV.2 UBCOMTSV.3 PaperV PaperVI RelatedAppliedComponent CommerceV (MarketingandHumanResource) BusinessEconomicsVI 04 04 03

CoreCourses/CommerceDiscipline 4 5 6 7 III VI 1 2 3 UBCOMTSV.4 UBCOMTSV.5 UBCOMTSV.6 UBCOMTSV.7 UBCOMTSV.1 UBCOMTSV.2 UBCOMTSV.3 03 03 03 03 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 04 04 03

AppliedComponentCourses(AnyTwo)* AnyTwoCoursesfromtheList

CoreCourses/SpecialGroup PaperVI PaperVII RelatedAppliedComponent CommerceVI (MarketingandHumanResource) BusinessEconomicsVI

CoreCourses/CommerceDiscipline 4 5 6 7 UBCOMTSV.4 UBCOMTSV.5 UBCOMTSV.6 UBCOMTSV.7 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03

AppliedComponentCourses(AnyTwo)* AnyTwoCoursesfromtheList



ListofAppliedComponentCourses forSemesterIIIandIV(AnyOne) 1. Advertising 2. FieldSalesManagement 3. PublicRelations 4. MassCommunication 5. Travel&TourismManagement 6. Journalism 7. CompanySecretarialPractice 8. RuralDevelopment 9. Cooperation 10. MercantileShipping 11. IndianEconomicProblem 12. ComputerProgramming(OneAssignment perBatch) ListofCoreCourses/SpecialGroup forSemesterVandVI(AnyOne) 1. FinancialAccounting&Auditing 2. Economics 3. BusinessManagement 4. Commerce 5. QuantitativeTechniques 6. BankingandFinance ListofAppliedComponentCourses forSemesterVandVI(AnyTwo) 1. TradeUnionismandIndustrialRelations 2. ComputerSystem&Applications (OneAssignmentperBatch) 3. ExportMarketing 4. MarketingResearch 5. InvestmentAnalysisPortfolio Management 6. TransportManagement 7. Entrepreneurship&M.S.S.I. 8. InternationalMarketing 9. MerchantBanking 10. Direct&IndirectTaxation 11. LabourWelfare&Practice 12. Purchasing&StoreKeeping 13. InventoryManagement&CostReduction Techniques 14. Insurance 15. BankingLaw&Practice 16. RegionalPlanning 17. RuralMarketing 18. ElementsofOperationsResearch 19.PsychologyofHumanBehaviouratWork

NOTE: To the best of my knowledge we have two groups of applied components referred to Group A: subject related and Group B: General and we are required to select one applied component subject from each group.


Particulars FirstYear First Semester CoreCourses AlliedCourses Foundation Course Core/Special Courses Applied Component Courses Total 03 03 01 SecondYear ThirdYear Fifth Semester 02 Sixth Semester 02 Total Courses Second Third Fourth Semester Semester Semester 03 03 01 03 01 01 03 01 01

16 08 04
















4.2.1.SchemeofExamination The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two components viz. by Internal Assessment with 40% marks in the first component and by conducting the Semester End Examinations with 60% marks as the second component. The allocation of marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinationsareasshownbelow: A)InternalAssessment40%40Marks 1.ForCourseswithoutpractical Sr. No. 1 Particulars Two periodical class tests / case study / online examination to be conducted in the givensemester Marks 20Marks


2 3 4

One assignment based on curriculum to be assessedbytheteacherconcerned Active participation in instructionaldeliveries routine class

10Marks 05Marks 05Marks

Overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing related academicactives

2.ForCourseswithpracticals Sr. No. 1 Particulars SemesterEndPracticalExamination 05Marks Journal Viva 05Marks MachineWork/LaboratoryWork 10Marks One assignment/project with class presentation to be assessed by teacher concerned 05Marks WrittenDocument 05Marks Presentation Active participation in routine class instructionaldeliveries Overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing related academicactives Marks 20Marks



3 4

05Marks 05Marks

Eligibilitynormstoappearfortheadditionalclasstestorassignmentforlearnerswhoremainedabsent: a. ThelearnermustapplytotheHeadoftheInstitutiongivingthereason(s)forabsencewithin8daysofthe conductoftheexaminationalongwiththenecessarydocumentsandtestimonials. b. If the learner is absent for participation in Inter Collegiate events, State or National or International level events, Training camp or coaching camp organized by authorized university or state or national or internationalbodies,NSS/NCCEvents/Camps/culturalactivities/sportsactivities/researchfestivalor anyotheractivitiesauthenticatedbytheheadoftheinstitution,theheadoftheInstitutionshallgenerally grantpermissiontothelearnertoappearfortheadditionalclasstestorassignment.

c. The Head of the Institution, on scrutiny of the documents and testimonials, may grant the permission to thelearnertoappearfortheadditionalexamination.

ModeofInternalAssessmentforAdditionalExamination: Forcourseswithoutpractical:
1. 2. A learner who is absent for the two periodical class tests/ case study / online examination and the assignmentwillbedeclaredfailintheInternalAssessmentScheme. A learner who is absent for the two class tests and has appeared for the assignment will be allowed to appear for one additional class test of 10 marks. However, his marks for the class tests will be taken as out of 20 (without conversion i.e. if the learner gets 4/10 marks in his additional test, his/her marks for theclasstestswillbetakenas4/20)andinternalassessmentwillbecalculatedasoutof40marksandnot 30marks. Alearnerwhohasappearedforboththeclasstestbutremainsabsentfortheassignmentwillbeallowed toappearfortheadditionalassignmentandtheinternalassessmentwillbecalculatedasoutof40marks. Alearnerswhoisabsentforone ofthetwoclasstests/assignmentasthecasemaybethelearnerwillbe allowed to appear for one additional class test/one additional assignment and the internal assessment willbecalculatedasoutof40marks. A learner who is absent for the Semester End Practical Examination and the assignment/project will be declaredfailintheInternalAssessmentScheme. AlearnerwhoisabsentfortheSemesterEndPracticalExaminationandhasappearedfortheassignment will be awarded marks for the Journal (out of 5 marks) & Viva (out of 5 marks) component of the Semester End Examination. Thus he will be evaluated for 10 marks instead of 20 marks and will lose the 10marksfortheLaboratorywork.However,hismarksfortheSemesterEndPracticalExaminationwillbe taken as out of 20 (without conversion i.e. if the learner gets 4/10 marks in for Journal & Viva , his/her marks for the Semester End Practical Examination will be taken as 4/20) and internal assessment will be calculatedasoutof40marksandnot30marks. A learner who has appeared for Semester End Practical Examination but remains absent for the assignment will be allowed to appear for the additional assignment and the internal assessment will be calculatedasoutof40marks. The Additional Class Test (or viva examination) or Assignment must be conducted 15 days prior to the commencement of the Semester End Examination after following the necessary procedure and completingtheformalities.

3. 4.

1. 2.



i. ii.

DurationTheseexaminationsshallbeof2Hoursduration. QuestionPaperPattern: 1. Thereshallbefourquestionseachof15marks. 2. Allquestionsshallbecompulsorywithinternalchoicewithinthequestions. 3. Question may be subdivided into subquestions a, b, cand the allocation of marks depend onthe weightageofthetopic.

ResponsibilityofAssessment i) The assessment of Part A and B i.e. Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination as mentioned above for the Semester I to IV shall be processed by the Colleges / Institutions of their learners and issue the grade cards to them after the conversion of marks into grade as per the procedure mentioned in this manual. The format of the grade card is given in the Chapter 5 of this manual to maintain the uniformity acrosstheallcollegesfortheexaminationsconductedbythecollegesonbehalfoftheUniversity.

ii) The assessment of Part A i.e. Internal Assessment as mentioned above for the Semester V & VI shall be processedbytheColleges/InstitutionsoftheirlearnersadmittedfortheprogrammewhiletheUniversity shall conduct the assessment of Part B i.e. the Semester End Examination for Semesters V & VI. The Internal Assessment marks of learners appearing for semester V & VI shall be submitted to the University by the respective colleges/ Institutions before the commencement of respective Semester End Examinations. The results shall be declared by the University after processing the marks obtained by the learner in the Internal Assessment and the marks awarded to the learners in Semester End Examination. ThegradecardshallbeissuedbytheUniversityafterconvertingthemarksintogrades. 4.2.2STANDARDOFPASSINGANDPERFORMANCEGRADING:

Thelearnerstopassacourseshallhavetoobtainaminimumof40%marksinaggregateforeachcoursewherethe course consists of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination. The learners shall obtain minimum of 40% marks (i.e. 16 out of 40) in the Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examination (i.e. 24 Out of 60) separately, to pass the course and minimum of Grade E in each project wherever applicable to pass a particular semester.AlearnerwillbesaidtohavepassedthecourseifthelearnerpassestheInternalAssessment&Semester EndExaminationtogether.

ThePERFORMANCEGRADINGofthelearnershallbeontheSEVENpointGradingsystemasunder: Grade Marks GradePoints


O A B C D E F(Fail)

70&above 60to69.99 55to59.99 50to54.99 45to49.99 40to44.99 39.99&below

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

The performance grading shall be based on the aggregate performance of Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination. 4.2.3CarryForwardoftheMarksinCaseiftheLearnerFailsinOneorMoreCourses:


A learner who passes in the Internal Examination but fails in the Semester End Examination of the course shall reappearfortheSemesterEndExaminationofthatcourse.Howeverhis/hermarksoftheInternalExaminations shallbecarriedoverandhe/sheshallbeentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing. A learner who passes in the Semester End Examination but fails in the Internal Assessment of the course shall reappearfor theInternal Examination ofthatcourse.However his/hermarks oftheSemesterEndExamination shallbecarriedoverandhe/sheshallbeentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing.


3) a. ForCourseswithoutpractical IncaseoflearnerwhoisreappearingfortheInternalExamination,theexaminationwillconsistofoneproject of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the documentation of the project, 10 marks for the presentationand10marksforthevivaandtheinteraction. b. ForCourseswithpracticals IncaseoflearnerwhoisreappearingfortheInternalExaminationforsubjectswithPractical,theexaminations will consist of practical examination of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the machine work / laboratorywork,10marksfortheVivaExaminationand10marksfortheJournal.

4.2.4 AllowedtoKeepTerms(ATKT):


A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of number of courses of failure in the SemesterI. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterIIIifhe/shepasseseachofSemesterIandSemesterII OR AlearnerfailsinnotmorethantwocoursesofSemesterIandSemesterIItakentogether.



AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterIVirrespectiveofnumberofcoursesoffailureinSemester III.However,thelearnerhastopasseachofSemesterIandSemesterIIinordertoappearforSemesterIV. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterVifhe/shepassesSemesterI,SemesterII,SemesterIIIand SemesterIV OR A learner shall pass Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than two courses of Semester III and SemesterIVtakentogether. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester VI irrespective of number of courses of failure in the SemesterV. ThelearnercanappearforthesemesterVIexaminationbuttheresultofSemesterVIshallbekeptinabeyance untilthelearnerpasseseachofSemesterI,SemesterII,SemesterIII,SemesterIVandSemesterV.





ELIGIBILITYTOAPPEARFORADDITIONALSEMESTERENDEXAMINATION: A learner who does not appear i.e. remains absent in some or all the courses on medical grounds or for representing the college / university in sports, cultural activities, activities of NSS, NCC or sports training camps conducted by recognized bodies / competent authorities or for any other reason which is consideredvalidunderexceptionalcircumstancesandtothesatisfactionofthePrincipalortheHeadofthe InstituteORfailsinsomeorallthesubjectsiseligibletoappearfortheadditionalexamination. A learner who does not appear for both the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination shall not beeligibletoappearfortheadditionalSemesterEndExamination. The additional Semester End Examination shall be of two hours duration and of 60 marks per course. The learner shall appear for the course of the Semester End Examination for which he/she was absent or has failed.LearnerswhoarepunishedunderO.5050arenoteligibletoappearforthisadditionalexamination. MODEOFSEMESTERENDADDITIONALEXAMINATION: a) There will be one additional examination for semester I, II, III and IV for those who have failed or remainedabsent. b) The absent learner will be allowed to appear for the examination by the head of the institution after following the necessary formalities subject to the reasons to the satisfaction of the head of the institution. c) Thisexaminationwillbeheld20daysafterthedeclarationofresultsbutnotlaterthan40days. PROJECTEVALUATION(IFAPPLICABLE)

a. A learner who PASSES IN ALL THE COURSES BUT DOES NOT secures minimum grade of E in project as
applicable has to resubmit a fresh project for evaluation till he/she secures a minimum of grade E. His/her marks in the theory papers that the learner has passed will be carried forward and he/she shall beentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing.

b. The evaluation of project and vivavoce examination shall be by awarding grade in the seven point scale asgiveninthegradepointtable. c. A learner shall have to obtain minimum of Grade E (or its equivalent marks) in project evaluation and vivavocetakentogether.



TitleoftheProgrammeBachelorofCommerceAccounting&Finance(B.Com. Accounting&Finance)DegreeCourse
Year I Semester I Course CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 UA&FFSI.1 UA&FFSI.2 UA&FFSI.3 UA&FFSI.4 FinancialAccountingI CostAccountingI EconomicsI CommerceI 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 Code TitleoftheCourse Lectures/ Tutorials Credit

AlliedCourses 5 6 7 I II CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 UA&FFSII.1 UA&FFSII.2 UA&FFSII.3 UA&FFSII.4 FinancialAccountingII AuditingI FinancialManagementI TaxationI 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 UA&FFSI.5 UA&FFSI.6 UA&FFSI.7 InformationTechnologyI BusinessCommunicationI FoundationCourseI 04 04 04 03 03 03

AlliedCourses 5 6 7 UA&FFSII.5 UA&FFSII.6 UA&FFSII.7 BusinessLawI QuantitativeMethodsforBusinessI BusinessCommunicationII

04 04 04

03 03 03

Year II Semester III Course CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 5 UA&FFSIII.1 UA&FFSIII.2 UA&FFSIII.3 UA&FFSIII.4 UA&FFSIII.5 FinancialAccountingIII CostAccountingII AuditingII EconomicsII ManagementI 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 Code TitleoftheCourse Lectures/ Tutorials Credit

AlliedCourses 6 7 II IV CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 UA&FFSIV.1 UA&FFSIV.2 UA&FFSIV.3 UA&FFSIV.4 FinancialAccountingIV ManagementAccountingI TaxationII CommerceII 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 UA&FFSIII.6 UA&FFSIII.7 BusinessLawII FoundationCourseII 04 04 03 03

AlliedCourses 5 6 7 UA&FFSIV.5 UA&FFSIV.6 UA&FFSIV.7 BusinessLawIII InformationTechnologyII QuantitativeMethodsforBusinessII 04 04 04 03 03 03


Year III

Semester V

Course CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 5 6



Lectures/ Tutorials 04 04 04 04 04 04



FinancialAccountingV CostAccountingIII FinancialAccountingVI ManagementAccountingII TaxationIII EconomicsIII

03 03 03 03 03 03



CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 5 6 UA&FFSVI.1 UA&FFSVI.2 UA&FFSVI.3 UA&FFSVI.4 UA&FFSVI.5 UA&FFSVI.6 FinancialAccountingVII CostAccountingIV AuditingIII FinancialAccountingVIII TaxationIV ManagementII 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 03


Particulars FirstYear SecondYear ThirdYear Total Courses First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester CoreCourses Allied Courses Total 04 03 07 04 03 07 05 02 07

04 03 07

06 06

06 06

29 11 40

4.2.1.SchemeofExamination The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two components viz. by Internal Assessment with 40% marks in the first component and by conducting the Semester End Examinations with 60% marks as the second component. The allocation of marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinationsareasshownbelow: A)InternalAssessment40%40Marks 1.ForCourseswithoutpractical Sr. No. 1 Particulars Two periodical class tests / case study / online examination to be conducted in the givensemester One assignment based on curriculum to be assessedbytheteacherconcerned Active participation in instructionaldeliveries routine class Marks 20Marks

2 3 4

10Marks 05Marks 05Marks

Overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing related academicactives


2.ForCourseswithpracticals Sr. No. 1 Particulars SemesterEndPracticalExamination 05Marks Journal Viva 05Marks MachineWork/LaboratoryWork 10Marks One assignment/project with class presentation to be assessed by teacher concerned 05Marks WrittenDocument 05Marks Presentation Active participation in routine class instructionaldeliveries Overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing related academicactives Marks 20Marks



3 4

05Marks 05Marks

Eligibilitynormstoappearfortheadditionalclasstestorassignmentforlearnerswhoremainedabsent: a. ThelearnermustapplytotheHeadoftheInstitutiongivingthereason(s)forabsencewithin8daysofthe conductoftheexaminationalongwiththenecessarydocumentsandtestimonials. b. If the learner is absent for participation in Inter Collegiate events, State or National or International level events, Training camp or coaching camp organized by authorized university or state or national or internationalbodies,NSS/NCCEvents/Camps/culturalactivities/sportsactivities/researchfestivalor anyotheractivitiesauthenticatedbytheheadoftheinstitution,theheadoftheInstitutionshallgenerally grantpermissiontothelearnertoappearfortheadditionalclasstestorassignment. c. The Head of the Institution, on scrutiny of the documents and testimonials, may grant the permission to thelearnertoappearfortheadditionalexamination.

ModeofInternalAssessmentforAdditionalExamination: Forcourseswithoutpractical:
1. 2. A learner who is absent for the two periodical class tests/ case study / online examination and the assignmentwillbedeclaredfailintheInternalAssessmentScheme. A learner who is absent for the two class tests and has appeared for the assignment will be allowed to appear for one additional class test of 10 marks. However, his marks for the class tests will be taken as out of 20 (without conversion i.e. if the learner gets 4/10 marks in his additional test, his/her marks for

3. 4.

theclasstestswillbetakenas4/20)andinternalassessmentwillbecalculatedasoutof40marksandnot 30marks. Alearnerwhohasappearedforboththeclasstestbutremainsabsentfortheassignmentwillbeallowed toappearfortheadditionalassignmentandtheinternalassessmentwillbecalculatedasoutof40marks. Alearnerswhoisabsentforone ofthetwoclasstests/assignmentasthecasemaybethelearnerwillbe allowed to appear for one additional class test/one additional assignment and the internal assessment willbecalculatedasoutof40marks. A learner who is absent for the Semester End Practical Examination and the assignment/project will be declaredfailintheInternalAssessmentScheme. AlearnerwhoisabsentfortheSemesterEndPracticalExaminationandhasappearedfortheassignment will be awarded marks for the Journal (out of 5 marks) & Viva (out of 5 marks) component of the Semester End Examination. Thus he will be evaluated for 10 marks instead of 20 marks and will lose the 10marksfortheLaboratorywork.However,hismarksfortheSemesterEndPracticalExaminationwillbe taken as out of 20 (without conversion i.e. if the learner gets 4/10 marks in for Journal & Viva , his/her marks for the Semester End Practical Examination will be taken as 4/20) and internal assessment will be calculatedasoutof40marksandnot30marks. A learner who has appeared for Semester End Practical Examination but remains absent for the assignment will be allowed to appear for the additional assignment and the internal assessment will be calculatedasoutof40marks. The Additional Class Test (or viva examination) or Assignment must be conducted 15 days prior to the commencement of the Semester End Examination after following the necessary procedure and completingtheformalities.

1. 2.


B)SemesterEndExaminations60%60Marks i. DurationThesesexaminationsshallbeof2Hoursduration. ii. QuestionPaperPattern: 1. Thereshallbefourquestionseachof15marks. 2. Allquestionsshallbecompulsorywithinternalchoicewithinthequestions. 3. Question may be subdivided into subquestions a, b, cand the allocation of marks depend onthe weightageofthetopic.

ResponsibilityofAssessment i) The assessment of Part A and B i.e. Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination as mentioned above for the Semester I to IV shall be processed by the Colleges / Institutions of their learners and issue

the grade cards to them after the conversion of marks into grade as per the procedure mentioned in this manual. The format of the grade card is given in the Chapter 5 of this manual to maintain the uniformity acrosstheallcollegesfortheexaminationsconductedbythecollegesonbehalfoftheUniversity.

ii) The assessment of Part A i.e. Internal Assessment as mentioned above for the Semester V & VI shall be processedbytheColleges/InstitutionsoftheirlearnersadmittedfortheprogrammewhiletheUniversity shall conduct the assessment of Part B i.e. the Semester End Examination for Semesters V & VI. The Internal Assessment marks of learners appearing for semester V & VI shall be submitted to the University by the respective colleges/ Institutions before the commencement of respective Semester End Examinations. The results shall be declared by the University after processing the marks obtained by the learner in the Internal Assessment and the marks awarded to the learners in Semester End Examination. ThegradecardshallbeissuedbytheUniversityafterconvertingthemarksintogrades. 4.2.2STANDARDOFPASSINGANDPERFORMANCEGRADING:

Thelearnerstopassacourseshallhavetoobtainaminimumof40%marksinaggregateforeachcoursewherethe course consists of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination. The learners shall obtain minimum of 40% marks (i.e. 16 out of 40) in the Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examination (i.e. 24 Out of 60) separately, to pass the course and minimum of Grade E in each project wherever applicable to pass a particular semester.AlearnerwillbesaidtohavepassedthecourseifthelearnerpassestheInternalAssessment&Semester EndExaminationtogether.

ThePERFORMANCEGRADINGofthelearnershallbeontheSEVENpointGradingsystemasunder: Grade Marks GradePoints O 70&above 7 A 60to69.99 6 B 55to59.99 5 C 50to54.99 4 D 45to49.99 3 E 40to44.99 2 F(Fail) 39.99&below 1

The performance grading shall be based on the aggregate performance of Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination.



A learner who passes in the Internal Examination but fails in the Semester End Examination of the course shall reappearfortheSemesterEndExaminationofthatcourse.Howeverhis/hermarksoftheInternalExaminations shallbecarriedoverandhe/sheshallbeentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing. A learner who passes in the Semester End Examination but fails in the Internal Assessment of the course shall reappearfor theInternal Examination ofthatcourse.However his/hermarks oftheSemesterEndExamination shallbecarriedoverandhe/sheshallbeentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing.


3) a. ForCourseswithoutpractical IncaseoflearnerwhoisreappearingfortheInternalExamination,theexaminationwillconsistofoneproject of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the documentation of the project, 10 marks for the presentationand10marksforthevivaandtheinteraction. b. ForCourseswithpracticals IncaseoflearnerwhoisreappearingfortheInternalExaminationforsubjectswithPractical,theexaminations will consist of practical examination of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the machine work / laboratorywork,10marksfortheVivaExaminationand10marksfortheJournal.

4.2.4 AllowedtoKeepTerms(ATKT):


A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of number of courses of failure in the SemesterI. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterIIIifhe/shepasseseachofSemesterIandSemesterII OR AlearnerfailsinnotmorethantwocoursesofSemesterIandSemesterIItakentogether. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterIVirrespectiveofnumberofcoursesoffailureinSemester III.However,thelearnerhastopasseachofSemesterIandSemesterIIinordertoappearforSemesterIV. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterVifhe/shepassesSemesterI,SemesterII,SemesterIIIand SemesterIV OR A learner shall pass Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than two courses of Semester III and SemesterIVtakentogether. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester VI irrespective of number of courses of failure in the SemesterV. ThelearnercanappearforthesemesterVIexaminationbuttheresultofSemesterVIshallbekeptinabeyance








ELIGIBILITYTOAPPEARFORADDITIONALSEMESTERENDEXAMINATION: A learner who does not appear i.e. remains absent in some or all the courses on medical grounds or for representing the college / university in sports, cultural activities, activities of NSS, NCC or sports training camps conducted by recognized bodies / competent authorities or for any other reason which is consideredvalidunderexceptionalcircumstancesandtothesatisfactionofthePrincipalortheHeadofthe InstituteORfailsinsomeorallthesubjectsiseligibletoappearfortheadditionalexamination. A learner who does not appear for both the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination shall not beeligibletoappearfortheadditionalSemesterEndExamination. The additional Semester End Examination shall be of two hours duration and of 60 marks per course. The learner shall appear for the course of the Semester End Examination for which he/she was absent or has failed.LearnerswhoarepunishedunderO.5050arenoteligibletoappearforthisadditionalexamination. MODEOFSEMESTERENDADDITIONALEXAMINATION: d) There will be one additional examination for semester I, II, III and IV for those who have failed or remainedabsent. e) The absent learner will be allowed to appear for the examination by the head of the institution after following the necessary formalities subject to the reasons to the satisfaction of the head of the institution. f) Thisexaminationwillbeheld20daysafterthedeclarationofresultsbutnotlaterthan40days. PROJECTEVALUATION(IFAPPLICABLE)

a. A learner who PASSES IN ALL THE COURSES BUT DOES NOT secures minimum grade of E in project as
applicable has to resubmit a fresh project for evaluation till he/she secures a minimum of grade E. His/her marks in the theory papers that the learner has passed will be carried forward and he/she shall beentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing.

b. The evaluation of project and vivavoce examination shall be by awarding grade in the seven point scale asgiveninthegradepointtable. c. A learner shall have to obtain minimum of Grade E (or its equivalent marks) in project evaluation and vivavocetakentogether.


TitleoftheProgrammeBachelorofCommerceFinancialMarkets(B.Com.FM) DegreeCourse
Year I Semester I Course CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 Code UFMFSI.1 UFMFSI.2 UFMFSI.3 UFMFSI.4 TitleoftheCourse PrinciplesofInvestment MicroEconomics FinancialAccounting BusinessEnvironment Lectures/Tutorials 04 04 04 04 Credit 03 03 03 03

AlliedCourses 5 6 I II CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 UFMFSII.1 UFMFSII.2 UFMFSII.3 UFMFSII.4 EnvironmentofFinancialSystem MacroEconomics ManagementAccounting PrinciplesofBusinessManagement 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 UFMFSI.5 UFMFSI.6 BasicStatistics BasicComputerSkills 04 04 03 03

AlliedCourses 5 6 UFMFSII.5 UFMFSII.6 StatisticalApplications CommunicationSkills 04 04 03 03


Year II

Semester III

Course CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 5 6 AlliedCourse 7



Lectures/ Tutorials 04 04 04 04 04 04



DebtMarkets CorporateFinanceI EquityMarketsI BankinginFinancialSystem BusinessEthics OrganizationalBehavior

03 03 03 03 03 03


ComputerApplicationsin Investments





CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 5 6 AlliedCourse 7 UFMFSIV.7 BusinessLaw 04 03 UFMFSIV.1 UFMFSIV.2 UFMFSIV.3 UFMFSIV.4 UFMFSIV.5 UFMFSIV.6 CommoditiesMarkets CorporateFinanceII EquityMarketsII FinancialServices TaxationforInvestments SecurityAnalysis 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 03


Year III

Semester V

Course CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 5 6 AlliedCourse 7



Lectures/ Tutorials 04 04 04 04 04 04



GlobalCapitalMarkets RegulationsofSecuritiesMarkets Insurance(Fund)Management DerivativeMarkets ForeignExchangeMarkets PortfolioManagement

03 03 03 03 03 03







CoreSubjects 1 2 3 4 5 6 AlliedCourse 7 UFMFSVI.7 ProjectII 04 03 UFMFSVI.1 UFMFSVI.2 UFMFSVI.3 UFMFSVI.4 UFMFSVI.5 UFMFSVI.6 RiskManagement CorporateGovernance ComputerApplicationsinFinancial Services MarketingofFinancialServices MutualFundManagement CustomerRelationshipManagement inFinancialServices 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 03


Particulars FirstYear SecondYear ThirdYear Total Courses First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester CoreCourses AlliedCourses Total

04 02 06

04 02 06

06 01 07

06 01 07

06 01 07

06 01 07

32 08 40

4.2.1.SchemeofExamination The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two components viz. by Internal Assessment with 40% marks in the first component and by conducting the Semester End Examinations with 60% marks as the second component. The allocation of marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinationsareasshownbelow: A)InternalAssessment40%40Marks 1.ForCourseswithoutpractical Sr. No. 1 Particulars Two periodical class tests / case study / online examination to be conducted in the givensemester One assignment based on curriculum to be assessedbytheteacherconcerned Active participation in instructionaldeliveries routine class Marks 20Marks

2 3 4

10Marks 05Marks 05Marks

Overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing related



2.ForCourseswithpracticals Sr. No. 1 Particulars SemesterEndPracticalExamination 05Marks Journal Viva 05Marks MachineWork/LaboratoryWork 10Marks One assignment/project with class presentation to be assessed by teacher concerned 05Marks WrittenDocument 05Marks Presentation Active participation in routine class instructionaldeliveries Overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing related academicactives Marks 20Marks



3 4

05Marks 05Marks

Eligibilitynormstoappearfortheadditionalclasstestorassignmentforlearnerswhoremainedabsent: a. ThelearnermustapplytotheHeadoftheInstitutiongivingthereason(s)forabsencewithin8daysofthe conductoftheexaminationalongwiththenecessarydocumentsandtestimonials. b. If the learner is absent for participation in Inter Collegiate events, State or National or International level events, Training camp or coaching camp organized by authorized university or state or national or internationalbodies,NSS/NCCEvents/Camps/culturalactivities/sportsactivities/researchfestivalor anyotheractivitiesauthenticatedbytheheadoftheinstitution,theheadoftheInstitutionshallgenerally grantpermissiontothelearnertoappearfortheadditionalclasstestorassignment. c. The Head of the Institution, on scrutiny of the documents and testimonials, may grant the permission to thelearnertoappearfortheadditionalexamination.

ModeofInternalAssessmentforAdditionalExamination: Forcourseswithoutpractical:
1. A learner who is absent for the two periodical class tests/ case study / online examination and the assignmentwillbedeclaredfailintheInternalAssessmentScheme.


3. 4.

A learner who is absent for the two class tests and has appeared for the assignment will be allowed to appear for one additional class test of 10 marks. However, his marks for the class tests will be taken as out of 20 (without conversion i.e. if the learner gets 4/10 marks in his additional test, his/her marks for theclasstestswillbetakenas4/20)andinternalassessmentwillbecalculatedasoutof40marksandnot 30marks. Alearnerwhohasappearedforboththeclasstestbutremainsabsentfortheassignmentwillbeallowed toappearfortheadditionalassignmentandtheinternalassessmentwillbecalculatedasoutof40marks. Alearnerswhoisabsentforone ofthetwoclasstests/assignmentasthecasemaybethelearnerwillbe allowed to appear for one additional class test/one additional assignment and the internal assessment willbecalculatedasoutof40marks. A learner who is absent for the Semester End Practical Examination and the assignment/project will be declaredfailintheInternalAssessmentScheme. AlearnerwhoisabsentfortheSemesterEndPracticalExaminationandhasappearedfortheassignment will be awarded marks for the Journal (out of 5 marks) & Viva (out of 5 marks) component of the Semester End Examination. Thus he will be evaluated for 10 marks instead of 20 marks and will lose the 10marksfortheLaboratorywork.However,hismarksfortheSemesterEndPracticalExaminationwillbe taken as out of 20 (without conversion i.e. if the learner gets 4/10 marks in for Journal & Viva , his/her marks for the Semester End Practical Examination will be taken as 4/20) and internal assessment will be calculatedasoutof40marksandnot30marks. A learner who has appeared for Semester End Practical Examination but remains absent for the assignment will be allowed to appear for the additional assignment and the internal assessment will be calculatedasoutof40marks. The Additional Class Test (or viva examination) or Assignment must be conducted 15 days prior to the commencement of the Semester End Examination after following the necessary procedure and completingtheformalities.

1. 2.


B)SemesterEndExaminations60%60Marks i. DurationThesesexaminationsshallbeof2Hoursduration. ii. QuestionPaperPattern: 1. Thereshallbefourquestionseachof15marks. 2. Allquestionsshallbecompulsorywithinternalchoicewithinthequestions. 3. Question may be subdivided into subquestions a, b, cand the allocation of marks depend onthe weightageofthetopic.


ResponsibilityofAssessment i) The assessment of Part A and B i.e. Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination as mentioned above for the Semester I to IV shall be processed by the Colleges / Institutions of their learners and issue the grade cards to them after the conversion of marks into grade as per the procedure mentioned in this manual. The format of the grade card is given in the Chapter 5 of this manual to maintain the uniformity acrosstheallcollegesfortheexaminationsconductedbythecollegesonbehalfoftheUniversity.

ii) The assessment of Part A i.e. Internal Assessment as mentioned above for the Semester V & VI shall be processedbytheColleges/InstitutionsoftheirlearnersadmittedfortheprogrammewhiletheUniversity shall conduct the assessment of Part B i.e. the Semester End Examination for Semesters V & VI. The Internal Assessment marks of learners appearing for semester V & VI shall be submitted to the University by the respective colleges/ Institutions before the commencement of respective Semester End Examinations. The results shall be declared by the University after processing the marks obtained by the learner in the Internal Assessment and the marks awarded to the learners in Semester End Examination. ThegradecardshallbeissuedbytheUniversityafterconvertingthemarksintogrades. 4.2.2STANDARDOFPASSINGANDPERFORMANCEGRADING:

Thelearnerstopassacourseshallhavetoobtainaminimumof40%marksinaggregateforeachcoursewherethe course consists of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination. The learners shall obtain minimum of 40% marks (i.e. 16 out of 40) in the Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examination (i.e. 24 Out of 60) separately, to pass the course and minimum of Grade E in each project wherever applicable to pass a particular semester.AlearnerwillbesaidtohavepassedthecourseifthelearnerpassestheInternalAssessment&Semester EndExaminationtogether.

ThePERFORMANCEGRADINGofthelearnershallbeontheSEVENpointGradingsystemasunder: Grade Marks GradePoints O 70&above 7 A 60to69.99 6 The performance grading shall be based on B 55to59.99 5 the aggregate performance of Internal C 50to54.99 4 Assessment and SemesterEndExamination. D 45to49.99 3 E 40to44.99 2 4.2.3 Carry Forward of the Marks in Case if the F(Fail) 39.99&below 1 Learner Fails in One or MoreCourses:


A learner who passes in the Internal Examination but fails in the Semester End Examination of the course shall reappearfortheSemesterEndExaminationofthatcourse.Howeverhis/hermarksoftheInternalExaminations shallbecarriedoverandhe/sheshallbeentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing. A learner who passes in the Semester End Examination but fails in the Internal Assessment of the course shall reappearfor theInternal Examination ofthatcourse.However his/hermarks oftheSemesterEndExamination shallbecarriedoverandhe/sheshallbeentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing.


3) a. ForCourseswithoutpractical IncaseoflearnerwhoisreappearingfortheInternalExamination,theexaminationwillconsistofoneproject of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the documentation of the project, 10 marks for the presentationand10marksforthevivaandtheinteraction. b. ForCourseswithpracticals IncaseoflearnerwhoisreappearingfortheInternalExaminationforsubjectswithPractical,theexaminations will consist of practical examination of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the machine work / laboratorywork,10marksfortheVivaExaminationand10marksfortheJournal.

4.2.4 AllowedtoKeepTerms(ATKT):


A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of number of courses of failure in the SemesterI. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterIIIifhe/shepasseseachofSemesterIandSemesterII OR AlearnerfailsinnotmorethantwocoursesofSemesterIandSemesterIItakentogether. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterIVirrespectiveofnumberofcoursesoffailureinSemester III.However,thelearnerhastopasseachofSemesterIandSemesterIIinordertoappearforSemesterIV. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterVifhe/shepassesSemesterI,SemesterII,SemesterIIIand SemesterIV OR A learner shall pass Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than two courses of Semester III and SemesterIVtakentogether. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester VI irrespective of number of courses of failure in the SemesterV. ThelearnercanappearforthesemesterVIexaminationbuttheresultofSemesterVIshallbekeptinabeyance untilthelearnerpasseseachofSemesterI,SemesterII,SemesterIII,SemesterIVandSemesterV.








ELIGIBILITYTOAPPEARFORADDITIONALSEMESTERENDEXAMINATION: A learner who does not appear i.e. remains absent in some or all the courses on medical grounds or for representing the college / university in sports, cultural activities, activities of NSS, NCC or sports training camps conducted by recognized bodies / competent authorities or for any other reason which is consideredvalidunderexceptionalcircumstancesandtothesatisfactionofthePrincipalortheHeadofthe InstituteORfailsinsomeorallthesubjectsiseligibletoappearfortheadditionalexamination. A learner who does not appear for both the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination shall not beeligibletoappearfortheadditionalSemesterEndExamination. The additional Semester End Examination shall be of two hours duration and of 60 marks per course. The learner shall appear for the course of the Semester End Examination for which he/she was absent or has failed.LearnerswhoarepunishedunderO.5050arenoteligibletoappearforthisadditionalexamination. MODEOFSEMESTERENDADDITIONALEXAMINATION: a) There will be one additional examination for semester I, II, III and IV for those who have failed or remainedabsent. b) The absent learner will be allowed to appear for the examination by the head of the institution after following the necessary formalities subject to the reasons to the satisfaction of the head of the institution. c) Thisexaminationwillbeheld20daysafterthedeclarationofresultsbutnotlaterthan40days. PROJECTEVALUATION a. AlearnerwhoPASSESINALLTHECOURSESBUTDOESNOTsecuresminimumgradeofEinprojectas applicable has to resubmit a fresh project for evaluation till he/she secures a minimum of grade E. His/her marks in the theory papers that the learner has passed will be carried forward and he/she shallbeentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing. b. The evaluation of project and vivavoce examination shall be by awarding grade in the seven point scaleasgiveninthegradepointtable. c. A learner shall have to obtain minimum of Grade E (or its equivalent marks) in project evaluation andvivavocetakentogether.


Year I Semester Course Code I CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 5 6 I II UBIFSI.1 UBIFSI.2 UBIFSI.3 UBIFSI.4 UBIFSI.5 UBIFSI.6 TitleoftheCourse EnvironmentandManagementof FinancialServices PrinciplesofManagement EconomicsI(Micro) EffectiveCommunicationI QualitativeMethodsI IntroductiontoComputerSystems PrinciplesandPracticesofBankingand Insurance FinancialAccounting EconomicsII(Micro) EffectiveCommunicationII QualitativeMethodsII BusinessLaw Lectures/Tutorials Credit

04 04 04 04 04 04

03 03 03 03 03 03


CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 5 6 UBIFSII.1 UBIFSII.2 UBIFSII.3 UBIFSII.4 UBIFSII.5 UBIFSII.6 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 03



Year II

Semester Course Code III CoreCourses 1 2 3 UBIFSIII.1 UBIFSIII.2 UBIFSIII.3

TitleoftheCourse LawsGoverningBankingandInsurance FinancialManagementI ManagementAccounting (ToolsandTechniques,FocusonBanking andInsurance) CustomerRelationshipManagementin BankingandInsurance TaxationofFinancialServices OrganizationalBehaviour InformationTechnologyinBankingand insurance UniversalBanking FinancialManagementII InnovationsinBankingandInsurance CostAccountingofBankingandInsurance EntrepreneurshipManagement FinancialMarkets(Equity,Debt,Forexand Derivatives

Lectures/Tutorials 04 04 04

Credit 03 03 03

4 5 6


04 04 04

03 03 03

AlliedCourse 7 II IV UBIFSIII.7 04 03

CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 5 6 UBIFSIV.1 UBIFSIV.2 UBIFSIV.3 UBIFSIV.4 UBIFSIV.5 UBIFSIV.6 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 03

AlliedCourse 7


CorporateLawandLawsGoverningCapital Markets



Year III

Semester V

Course CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Lectures/ Tutorials 04 04 04 04 04 04 04



MarketinginBankingandInsurance FinancialServicesManagement InternationalBankingandFinance FinancialReportingandAnalysis(Corporate BankingandInsurance) SecurityAnalysisandPortfolioManagement Auditing ProjectonBanking StrategicManagement (BankingandInsurance) CentralBanking InternationalBusiness (BankingandInsurance) HumanResourceManagementinBanking andInsurance BusinessEthicsandCorporateGovernance TurnaroundManagement ProjectonInsurance

03 03 03 03 03 03 03

ProjectWork III VI CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 5 UBIFSVI.1 UBIFSVI.2 UBIFSVI.3 UBIFSVI.4 UBIFSVI.5 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 03 03

6 UBIFSVI.6 ProjectWork 7 UBIFSVI.7



FirstYear SecondYear ThirdYear Total Courses First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester

CoreCourses AlliedCourses TotalCredits

03 03 06

03 03 06

06 01 07

06 01 07

06 01 07

06 01 07

30 10 40

Particulars FirstYear SecondYear ThirdYear Total Courses First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester CoreCourses AlliedCourses Total

04 02 06

04 02 06

06 01 07

06 01 07

06 01 07

06 01 07

32 08 40

4.2.1.SchemeofExamination The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two components viz. by Internal Assessment with 40% marks in the first component and by conducting the Semester End Examinations with 60% marks as the second component. The allocation of marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinationsareasshownbelow: A)InternalAssessment40%40Marks 1.ForCourseswithoutpractical


Sr. No. 1

Particulars Two periodical class tests / case study / online examination to be conducted in the givensemester One assignment based on curriculum to be assessedbytheteacherconcerned Active participation in instructionaldeliveries routine class

Marks 20Marks

2 3 4

10Marks 05Marks 05Marks

Overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing related academicactives

2.ForCourseswithpracticals Sr. No. 1 Particulars SemesterEndPracticalExamination 05Marks Journal Viva 05Marks MachineWork/LaboratoryWork 10Marks One assignment/project with class presentation to be assessed by teacher concerned 05Marks WrittenDocument 05Marks Presentation Active participation in routine class instructionaldeliveries Overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing related academicactives Marks 20Marks



3 4

05Marks 05Marks



a. ThelearnermustapplytotheHeadoftheInstitutiongivingthereason(s)forabsencewithin8daysofthe conductoftheexaminationalongwiththenecessarydocumentsandtestimonials. b. If the learner is absent for participation in Inter Collegiate events, State or National or International level events, Training camp or coaching camp organized by authorized university or state or national or internationalbodies,NSS/NCCEvents/Camps/culturalactivities/sportsactivities/researchfestivalor anyotheractivitiesauthenticatedbytheheadoftheinstitution,theheadoftheInstitutionshallgenerally grantpermissiontothelearnertoappearfortheadditionalclasstestorassignment. c. The Head of the Institution, on scrutiny of the documents and testimonials, may grant the permission to thelearnertoappearfortheadditionalexamination.

ModeofInternalAssessmentforAdditionalExamination: Forcourseswithoutpractical:
1. 2. A learner who is absent for the two periodical class tests/ case study / online examination and the assignmentwillbedeclaredfailintheInternalAssessmentScheme. A learner who is absent for the two class tests and has appeared for the assignment will be allowed to appear for one additional class test of 10 marks. However, his marks for the class tests will be taken as out of 20 (without conversion i.e. if the learner gets 4/10 marks in his additional test, his/her marks for theclasstestswillbetakenas4/20)andinternalassessmentwillbecalculatedasoutof40marksandnot 30marks. Alearnerwhohasappearedforboththeclasstestbutremainsabsentfortheassignmentwillbeallowed toappearfortheadditionalassignmentandtheinternalassessmentwillbecalculatedasoutof40marks. Alearnerswhoisabsentforone ofthetwoclasstests/assignmentasthecasemaybethelearnerwillbe allowed to appear for one additional class test/one additional assignment and the internal assessment willbecalculatedasoutof40marks. A learner who is absent for the Semester End Practical Examination and the assignment/project will be declaredfailintheInternalAssessmentScheme. AlearnerwhoisabsentfortheSemesterEndPracticalExaminationandhasappearedfortheassignment will be awarded marks for the Journal (out of 5 marks) & Viva (out of 5 marks) component of the Semester End Examination. Thus he will be evaluated for 10 marks instead of 20 marks and will lose the 10marksfortheLaboratorywork.However,hismarksfortheSemesterEndPracticalExaminationwillbe taken as out of 20 (without conversion i.e. if the learner gets 4/10 marks in for Journal & Viva , his/her marks for the Semester End Practical Examination will be taken as 4/20) and internal assessment will be calculatedasoutof40marksandnot30marks.

3. 4.

1. 2.



A learner who has appeared for Semester End Practical Examination but remains absent for the assignment will be allowed to appear for the additional assignment and the internal assessment will be calculatedasoutof40marks. The Additional Class Test (or viva examination) or Assignment must be conducted 15 days prior to the commencement of the Semester End Examination after following the necessary procedure and completingtheformalities.

B)SemesterEndExaminations60%60Marks i. DurationThesesexaminationsshallbeof2Hoursduration. ii. QuestionPaperPattern: 1. Thereshallbefourquestionseachof15marks. 2. Allquestionsshallbecompulsorywithinternalchoicewithinthequestions. 3. Question may be subdivided into subquestions a, b, cand the allocation of marks depend onthe weightageofthetopic.

ResponsibilityofAssessment i) The assessment of Part A and B i.e. Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination as mentioned above for the Semester I to IV shall be processed by the Colleges / Institutions of their learners and issue the grade cards to them after the conversion of marks into grade as per the procedure mentioned in this manual. The format of the grade card is given in the Chapter 5 of this manual to maintain the uniformity acrosstheallcollegesfortheexaminationsconductedbythecollegesonbehalfoftheUniversity.

ii) The assessment of Part A i.e. Internal Assessment as mentioned above for the Semester V & VI shall be processedbytheColleges/InstitutionsoftheirlearnersadmittedfortheprogrammewhiletheUniversity shall conduct the assessment of Part B i.e. the Semester End Examination for Semesters V & VI. The Internal Assessment marks of learners appearing for semester V & VI shall be submitted to the University by the respective colleges/ Institutions before the commencement of respective Semester End Examinations. The results shall be declared by the University after processing the marks obtained by the learner in the Internal Assessment and the marks awarded to the learners in Semester End Examination. ThegradecardshallbeissuedbytheUniversityafterconvertingthemarksintogrades. 4.2.2STANDARDOFPASSINGANDPERFORMANCEGRADING:

Thelearnerstopassacourseshallhavetoobtainaminimumof40%marksinaggregateforeachcoursewherethe course consists of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination. The learners shall obtain minimum of 40%

marks (i.e. 16 out of 40) in the Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examination (i.e. 24 Out of 60) separately, to pass the course and minimum of Grade E in each project wherever applicable to pass a particular semester.AlearnerwillbesaidtohavepassedthecourseifthelearnerpassestheInternalAssessment&Semester EndExaminationtogether.

ThePERFORMANCEGRADINGofthelearnershallbeontheSEVENpointGradingsystemasunder: Grade Marks GradePoints O 70&above 7 A 60to69.99 6 B 55to59.99 5 C 50to54.99 4 D 45to49.99 3 E 40to44.99 2 F(Fail) 39.99&below 1 The performance grading shall be based on the aggregate performance of Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination.



A learner who passes in the Internal Examination but fails in the Semester End Examination of the course shall reappearfortheSemesterEndExaminationofthatcourse.Howeverhis/hermarksoftheInternalExaminations shallbecarriedoverandhe/sheshallbeentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing. A learner who passes in the Semester End Examination but fails in the Internal Assessment of the course shall reappearfor theInternal Examination ofthatcourse.However his/hermarks oftheSemesterEndExamination shallbecarriedoverandhe/sheshallbeentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing.


3) a. ForCourseswithoutpractical IncaseoflearnerwhoisreappearingfortheInternalExamination,theexaminationwillconsistofoneproject of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the documentation of the project, 10 marks for the presentationand10marksforthevivaandtheinteraction. b. ForCourseswithpracticals IncaseoflearnerwhoisreappearingfortheInternalExaminationforsubjectswithPractical,theexaminations will consist of practical examination of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the machine work / laboratorywork,10marksfortheVivaExaminationand10marksfortheJournal.


4.2.4 AllowedtoKeepTerms(ATKT):


A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of number of courses of failure in the SemesterI. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterIIIifhe/shepasseseachofSemesterIandSemesterII OR AlearnerfailsinnotmorethantwocoursesofSemesterIandSemesterIItakentogether. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterIVirrespectiveofnumberofcoursesoffailureinSemester III.However,thelearnerhastopasseachofSemesterIandSemesterIIinordertoappearforSemesterIV. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterVifhe/shepassesSemesterI,SemesterII,SemesterIIIand SemesterIV OR A learner shall pass Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than two courses of Semester III and SemesterIVtakentogether. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester VI irrespective of number of courses of failure in the SemesterV. ThelearnercanappearforthesemesterVIexaminationbuttheresultofSemesterVIshallbekeptinabeyance untilthelearnerpasseseachofSemesterI,SemesterII,SemesterIII,SemesterIVandSemesterV.







ELIGIBILITYTOAPPEARFORADDITIONALSEMESTERENDEXAMINATION: A learner who does not appear i.e. remains absent in some or all the courses on medical grounds or for representing the college / university in sports, cultural activities, activities of NSS, NCC or sports training camps conducted by recognized bodies / competent authorities or for any other reason which is consideredvalidunderexceptionalcircumstancesandtothesatisfactionofthePrincipalortheHeadofthe InstituteORfailsinsomeorallthesubjectsiseligibletoappearfortheadditionalexamination. A learner who does not appear for both the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination shall not beeligibletoappearfortheadditionalSemesterEndExamination. The additional Semester End Examination shall be of two hours duration and of 60 marks per course. The learner shall appear for the course of the Semester End Examination for which he/she was absent or has failed.LearnerswhoarepunishedunderO.5050arenoteligibletoappearforthisadditionalexamination. MODEOFSEMESTERENDADDITIONALEXAMINATION: a) There will be one additional examination for semester I, II, III and IV for those who have failed or remainedabsent.

b) The absent learner will be allowed to appear for the examination by the head of the institution after following the necessary formalities subject to the reasons to the satisfaction of the head of the institution. c) Thisexaminationwillbeheld20daysafterthedeclarationofresultsbutnotlaterthan40days. PROJECTEVALUATION a. AlearnerwhoPASSESINALLTHECOURSESBUTDOESNOTsecuresminimumgradeofEinprojectas applicable has to resubmit a fresh project for evaluation till he/she secures a minimum of grade E. His/her marks in the theory papers that the learner has passed will be carried forward and he/she shallbeentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing. b. The evaluation of project and vivavoce examination shall be by awarding grade in the seven point scaleasgiveninthegradepointtable. c. A learner shall have to obtain minimum of Grade E (or its equivalent marks) in project evaluation andvivavocetakentogether.



Year I Semester Course I CoreCourses 1 2 Code TitleoftheCourse FoundationofHumanSkills IntroductiontoFinancialAccounts PrinciplesofManagementI BusinessLaw BusinessStatistics BusinessCommunication IntroductiontoComputers BusinessEnvironment IndustrialLaw ManagerialEconomicsI BusinessMathematics IntroductiontoCostAccounting ComputerApplicationsinBusiness EnvironmentalManagement Lectures/Tutorials 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 Credit 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03


3 UBMSFSI.3 AlliedCourses 4 UBMSFSI.4 5 6 7 I II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7





Year II

Semester Course III CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 5 6


TitleoftheCourse ManagementAccounting ManagerialEconomicsII MarketingManagement MaterialsManagements PrinciplesofManagementII EffectiveCommunication InternationalMarketingI ElementsofDirect&IndirectTaxes EXIMProcedures&Documentation ManagementofSmallScaleIndustries Productivity&QualityManagement PublicRelationsManagement

Lectures/Tutorials 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04

Credit 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03


AlliedCourse II IV CoreCourses 1 2 3 4 5 6


Year III

Semester Course Code V CompulsoryCourses 1 2 3 4 5 UBMSFSV.1 UBMSFSV.2 UBMSFSV.3 UBMSFSV.4 UBMSFSV.5

TitleoftheCourse HumanResourceManagement ServiceSectorManagement FinancialManagement ElementsofLogisticsandSupplychain Management BusinessEthicsandCorporateSocial Responsibility SpecialStudiesinMarketing SpecialStudiesinFinance ECommerce ProjectWorkI Entrepreneurship&ManagementofSmall& MediumEnterprises OperationsResearch InternationalFinance IndianManagementThoughtandPractices InternationalMarketing

Lectures/Tutorials 04 04 04 04 04

Credit 03 03 03 03 03

ElectiveCourses(AnyOne) 6 7 8 9 III VI UBMSFSV.6 UBMSFSV.7 UBMSFSV.8 UBMSFSV.9 04 04 04 03 03 03 03

ProjectWork CompulsoryCourses 1 2 3 4 5 UBMSFSVI.1 UBMSFSVI.2 UBMSFSVI.3 UBMSFSVI.4 UBMSFSVI.5 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03

6 UBMSFSVI.6 RetailManagement AppliedComponentCourses(AnyTwo) 7 8 UBMSFSVI.7 UBMSFSVI.8 InvestmentAnalysis&PortfolioManagement Econometrics







Total Courses

First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester CoreCourses Allied Courses/ Projects Elective Courses TotalCredits 03 04 05 02 05 01 06 05 01 04 01

28 09





01 07

02 07

03 40

Particulars FirstYear SecondYear ThirdYear Total Courses First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester CoreCourses AlliedCourses Total

04 02 06

04 02 06

06 01 07

06 01 07

06 01 07

06 01 07

32 08 40

4.2.1.SchemeofExamination The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two components viz. by Internal Assessment with 40% marks in the first component and by conducting the Semester End Examinations with 60% marks as the second component. The allocation of marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinationsareasshownbelow: A)InternalAssessment40%40Marks 1.ForCourseswithoutpractical

Sr. No. 1

Particulars Two periodical class tests / case study / online examination to be conducted in the givensemester One assignment based on curriculum to be assessedbytheteacherconcerned Active participation in instructionaldeliveries routine class

Marks 20Marks

2 3 4

10Marks 05Marks 05Marks

Overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing related academicactives

2.ForCourseswithpracticals Sr. No. 1 Particulars SemesterEndPracticalExamination 05Marks Journal Viva 05Marks MachineWork/LaboratoryWork 10Marks One assignment/project with class presentation to be assessed by teacher concerned 05Marks WrittenDocument 05Marks Presentation Active participation in routine class instructionaldeliveries Overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing related academicactives Marks 20Marks



3 4

05Marks 05Marks



a. ThelearnermustapplytotheHeadoftheInstitutiongivingthereason(s)forabsencewithin8daysofthe conductoftheexaminationalongwiththenecessarydocumentsandtestimonials. b. If the learner is absent for participation in Inter Collegiate events, State or National or International level events, Training camp or coaching camp organized by authorized university or state or national or internationalbodies,NSS/NCCEvents/Camps/culturalactivities/sportsactivities/researchfestivalor anyotheractivitiesauthenticatedbytheheadoftheinstitution,theheadoftheInstitutionshallgenerally grantpermissiontothelearnertoappearfortheadditionalclasstestorassignment. c. The Head of the Institution, on scrutiny of the documents and testimonials, may grant the permission to thelearnertoappearfortheadditionalexamination.

ModeofInternalAssessmentforAdditionalExamination: Forcourseswithoutpractical:
1. 2. A learner who is absent for the two periodical class tests/ case study / online examination and the assignmentwillbedeclaredfailintheInternalAssessmentScheme. A learner who is absent for the two class tests and has appeared for the assignment will be allowed to appear for one additional class test of 10 marks. However, his marks for the class tests will be taken as out of 20 (without conversion i.e. if the learner gets 4/10 marks in his additional test, his/her marks for theclasstestswillbetakenas4/20)andinternalassessmentwillbecalculatedasoutof40marksandnot 30marks. Alearnerwhohasappearedforboththeclasstestbutremainsabsentfortheassignmentwillbeallowed toappearfortheadditionalassignmentandtheinternalassessmentwillbecalculatedasoutof40marks. Alearnerswhoisabsentforone ofthetwoclasstests/assignmentasthecasemaybethelearnerwillbe allowed to appear for one additional class test/one additional assignment and the internal assessment willbecalculatedasoutof40marks. A learner who is absent for the Semester End Practical Examination and the assignment/project will be declaredfailintheInternalAssessmentScheme. AlearnerwhoisabsentfortheSemesterEndPracticalExaminationandhasappearedfortheassignment will be awarded marks for the Journal (out of 5 marks) & Viva (out of 5 marks) component of the Semester End Examination. Thus he will be evaluated for 10 marks instead of 20 marks and will lose the 10marksfortheLaboratorywork.However,hismarksfortheSemesterEndPracticalExaminationwillbe taken as out of 20 (without conversion i.e. if the learner gets 4/10 marks in for Journal & Viva , his/her marks for the Semester End Practical Examination will be taken as 4/20) and internal assessment will be calculatedasoutof40marksandnot30marks.

3. 4.

1. 2.



A learner who has appeared for Semester End Practical Examination but remains absent for the assignment will be allowed to appear for the additional assignment and the internal assessment will be calculatedasoutof40marks. The Additional Class Test (or viva examination) or Assignment must be conducted 15 days prior to the commencement of the Semester End Examination after following the necessary procedure and completingtheformalities.

B)SemesterEndExaminations60%60Marks i. DurationTheseexaminationsshallbeof2Hoursduration. ii. QuestionPaperPattern: 1. Thereshallbefourquestionseachof15marks. 2. Allquestionsshallbecompulsorywithinternalchoicewithinthequestions. 3. Question may be subdivided into subquestions a, b, cand the allocation of marks depend onthe weightageofthetopic.

ResponsibilityofAssessment i) The assessment of Part A and B i.e. Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination as mentioned above for the Semester I to IV shall be processed by the Colleges / Institutions of their learners and issue the grade cards to them after the conversion of marks into grade as per the procedure mentioned in this manual. The format of the grade card is given in the Chapter 5 of this manual to maintain the uniformity acrosstheallcollegesfortheexaminationsconductedbythecollegesonbehalfoftheUniversity.

ii) The assessment of Part A i.e. Internal Assessment as mentioned above for the Semester V & VI shall be processedbytheColleges/InstitutionsoftheirlearnersadmittedfortheprogrammewhiletheUniversity shall conduct the assessment of Part B i.e. the Semester End Examination for Semesters V & VI. The Internal Assessment marks of learners appearing for semester V & VI shall be submitted to the University by the respective colleges/ Institutions before the commencement of respective Semester End Examinations. The results shall be declared by the University after processing the marks obtained by the learner in the Internal Assessment and the marks awarded to the learners in Semester End Examination. ThegradecardshallbeissuedbytheUniversityafterconvertingthemarksintogrades. 4.2.2STANDARDOFPASSINGANDPERFORMANCEGRADING:

Thelearnerstopassacourseshallhavetoobtainaminimumof40%marksinaggregateforeachcoursewherethe course consists of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination. The learners shall obtain minimum of 40%

marks (i.e. 16 out of 40) in the Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examination (i.e. 24 Out of 60) separately, to pass the course and minimum of Grade E in each project wherever applicable to pass a particular semester.AlearnerwillbesaidtohavepassedthecourseifthelearnerpassestheInternalAssessment&Semester EndExaminationtogether.

ThePERFORMANCEGRADINGofthelearnershallbeontheSEVENpointGradingsystemasunder: Grade Marks GradePoints O 70&above 7 A 60to69.99 6 B 55to59.99 5 C 50to54.99 4 D 45to49.99 3 E 40to44.99 2 F(Fail) 39.99&below 1 The performance grading shall be based on the aggregate performance of Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination.



A learner who passes in the Internal Examination but fails in the Semester End Examination of the course shall reappearfortheSemesterEndExaminationofthatcourse.Howeverhis/hermarksoftheInternalExaminations shallbecarriedoverandhe/sheshallbeentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing. A learner who passes in the Semester End Examination but fails in the Internal Assessment of the course shall reappearfor theInternal Examination ofthatcourse.However his/hermarks oftheSemesterEndExamination shallbecarriedoverandhe/sheshallbeentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing.


3) a. ForCourseswithoutpractical IncaseoflearnerwhoisreappearingfortheInternalExamination,theexaminationwillconsistofoneproject of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the documentation of the project, 10 marks for the presentationand10marksforthevivaandtheinteraction. b. ForCourseswithpracticals IncaseoflearnerwhoisreappearingfortheInternalExaminationforsubjectswithPractical,theexaminations will consist of practical examination of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the machine work / laboratorywork,10marksfortheVivaExaminationand10marksfortheJournal.


4.2.4 AllowedtoKeepTerms(ATKT):


A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of number of courses of failure in the SemesterI. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterIIIifhe/shepasseseachofSemesterIandSemesterII OR AlearnerfailsinnotmorethantwocoursesofSemesterIandSemesterIItakentogether. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterIVirrespectiveofnumberofcoursesoffailureinSemester III.However,thelearnerhastopasseachofSemesterIandSemesterIIinordertoappearforSemesterIV. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterVifhe/shepassesSemesterI,SemesterII,SemesterIIIand SemesterIV OR A learner shall pass Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than two courses of Semester III and SemesterIVtakentogether. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester VI irrespective of number of courses of failure in the SemesterV. ThelearnercanappearforthesemesterVIexaminationbuttheresultofSemesterVIshallbekeptinabeyance untilthelearnerpasseseachofSemesterI,SemesterII,SemesterIII,SemesterIVandSemesterV.







ELIGIBILITYTOAPPEARFORADDITIONALSEMESTERENDEXAMINATION: A learner who does not appear i.e. remains absent in some or all the courses on medical grounds or for representing the college / university in sports, cultural activities, activities of NSS, NCC or sports training camps conducted by recognized bodies / competent authorities or for any other reason which is consideredvalidunderexceptionalcircumstancesandtothesatisfactionofthePrincipalortheHeadofthe InstituteORfailsinsomeorallthesubjectsiseligibletoappearfortheadditionalexamination. A learner who does not appear for both the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination shall not beeligibletoappearfortheadditionalSemesterEndExamination. The additional Semester End Examination shall be of two hours duration and of 60 marks per course. The learner shall appear for the course of the Semester End Examination for which he/she was absent or has failed.LearnerswhoarepunishedunderO.5050arenoteligibletoappearforthisadditionalexamination. MODEOFSEMESTERENDADDITIONALEXAMINATION: a) There will be one additional examination for semester I, II, III and IV for those who have failed or remainedabsent.

b) The absent learner will be allowed to appear for the examination by the head of the institution after following the necessary formalities subject to the reasons to the satisfaction of the head of the institution. c) Thisexaminationwillbeheld20daysafterthedeclarationofresultsbutnotlaterthan40days. PROJECTEVALUATION a. AlearnerwhoPASSESINALLTHECOURSESBUTDOESNOTsecuresminimumgradeofEinprojectas applicable has to resubmit a fresh project for evaluation till he/she secures a minimum of grade E. His/her marks in the theory papers that the learner has passed will be carried forward and he/she shallbeentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing. b. The evaluation of project and vivavoce examination shall be by awarding grade in the seven point scaleasgiveninthegradepointtable. c. A learner shall have to obtain minimum of Grade E (or its equivalent marks) in project evaluation andvivavocetakentogether.



ProgrammesUndertheFacultyofCommercealongwiththeassignmentofCredits TitleoftheProgramme:MasterofCommerce(M.Com.)DegreeCourse

Year I

Semester I

Course GroupI 1 2 1 2 1 2





CourseI CourseII CourseI CourseII CourseI CourseII StrategicManagement EconomicsofGlobalTradeandFinance ProductionManagement OrganizationalDevelopment EconomicGrowthandPlanning FiscalandMonetaryPolicies 04 04 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 05 05



GroupIAdvancedAccounting 1 CourseI AdvancedFinancialAccounting 2 1 2 1 CourseII CourseI CourseII CourseI AdvancedCostAccounting HumanResourceManagement MarketingStrategiesandPlans CommercialBankManagement GroupIIBusinessManagement 04 04 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 05 05 Page52of63 04 04 05 05

GroupIIIBankingandFinance 2 CourseII FinancialService GroupIVQualitativeTechniques 1 CourseI MathematicalMethods 2 CourseII StatisticalMethods

Year I Semester II Course GroupI 1 2 1 2 1 2 Code TitleoftheCourse Lectures Credits

CourseI CourseII CourseI CourseII CourseI CourseII StrategicManagement EconomicsofGlobalTradeandFinance ProductionManagement OrganizationalDevelopment EconomicGrowthandPlanning FiscalandMonetaryPolicies 04 04 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 05 05



GroupIAdvancedAccounting 1 CourseI AdvancedFinancialAccounting 2 1 2 1 CourseII CourseI CourseII CourseI AdvancedCostAccounting HumanResourceManagement MarketingStrategiesandPlans CommercialBankManagement GroupIIBusinessManagement 04 04 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 05 05 04 04 05 05

GroupIIIBankingandFinance 2 CourseII FinancialService GroupIVQualitativeTechniques 1 CourseI MathematicalMethods 2




Year II

Semester Course Code TitleoftheCourse III CompulsoryCourses(AnyOneGrouphavingOneCourse) 1 CourseI ResearchMethodology

Lectures 04

Credits 05

GroupIBusinessStudies 1 CourseI 2 3 CourseII CourseIII CorporateFinance GlobalBusinessOperations RelatedAppliedComponent BusinessNegotiation IndustrialEconomics LabourEconomics RelatedAppliedComponent ManagerialEconomics AdvancedFinancialManagement AdvancedAuditing RelatedAppliedComponent DirectandIndirectTax 04 04 04 05 05 05

GroupIIBusinessEconomics 1 2 3 CourseI CourseII CourseIII 04 04 04 05 05

GroupIIIAdvancedAccountancy 1 2 3 CourseI CourseII CourseIII 04 04 04 05 05 05

GroupIVBusinessManagement 1 CourseI OrganizationalBehavior 2 3 CourseII CourseIII InternationalMarketing RelatedAppliedComponent EntrepreneurshipManagement FinancialMarketsinIndia InternationalFinance

04 04 04

05 05 05

GroupVBankingandFinance 1 2 CourseI CourseII 04 04 05 05 Page54of63

3 GroupVI 1 2 3


RelatedAppliedComponent InvestmentManagement AppliedStatistics IndustrialStatistics RelatedAppliedComponent OperationResearch



CourseI CourseII GroupIII

04 04 04

05 05 05


Year II

Semester Course Code TitleoftheCourse IV CompulsoryCourses(AnyOneGrouphavingOneCourse) 1 CourseI ResearchMethodology

Lectures 04

Credits 05

GroupIBusinessStudies 1 CourseI 2 3 CourseII CourseIII CorporateFinance GlobalBusinessOperations RelatedAppliedComponent BusinessNegotiation IndustrialEconomics LabourEconomics RelatedAppliedComponent ManagerialEconomics AdvancedFinancialManagement AdvancedAuditing RelatedAppliedComponent DirectandIndirectTax 04 04 04 05 05 05

GroupIIBusinessEconomics 1 2 3 CourseI CourseII CourseIII 04 04 04 05 05 05

GroupIIIAdvancedAccountancy 1 2 3 CourseI CourseII CourseIII 04 04 04 05 05 05

GroupIVBusinessManagement 1 CourseI OrganizationalBehavior 2 3 CourseII CourseIII InternationalMarketing RelatedAppliedComponent EntrepreneurshipManagement FinancialMarketsinIndia InternationalFinance RelatedAppliedComponent InvestmentManagement

04 04 04

05 05 05

GroupVBankingandFinance 1 2 3 CourseI CourseII CourseIII 04 04 04 05 05 05 Page56of63

GroupVI 1 2 3 CourseI CourseII GroupIII AppliedStatistics IndustrialStatistics RelatedAppliedComponent OperationResearch 04 04 04 05 05 05



4.3.1.SchemeofExamination Theperformanceofthelearnersshallbeevaluatedintotwocomponentsviz.byInternal Assessmentwith40%marksinthefirstcomponentandbyconductingtheSemesterEnd Examinationswith60%marksinthesecondcomponent.Theallocationofmarksforthe InternalAssessmentandSemesterEndExaminationsareasshownbelow: A)InternalAssessment40%40Marks 1.ForCourseswithoutpractical Sr.No. 1 Project Allocationof40marksisasunder a. 20 Marks for Documentation / Hard Copy of the project b. 5MarksforPresentation c. 10marksforinteraction d. 05MarksforViva


Marks 40 Marks

2.ForCourseswithpracticals Sr.No. 1 Particulars SemesterEndPractical Examination Journal Viva MachineWork 2. 05Marks 05Marks 10Marks 10 Marks Marks 20 Marks

Oneassignment/projectwithclasspresentationtobe assessedbyteacherconcerned Presentation WrittenDocument 05Marks 05Marks

3 4

Activeparticipationinroutineclassinstructionaldeliveries Overallconductasaresponsiblelearner,mannerismand articulationandexhibitofleadershipqualitiesinorganizing relatedacademicactives

05 Marks 05 Marks


One additional opportunity can be given to the learner who remains absent on valid reasons to the satisfaction of the Head of the Institute / Department for the Presentation and Viva Examination Component of the Internal Assessment Schemeaftercompletingthenecessaryformalities. B)SemesterEndExaminations60%60Marks DurationTheseexaminationsshallbeof2Hoursduration. QuestionPaperPattern:

i) ii)

1. Thereshallbefourquestionseachof15marks. 2. Allquestionsshallbecompulsorywithinternalchoicewithinthequestions. 3. Question may be subdivided into subquestions a, b, c and the allocation ofmarksdependontheweightageofthetopic. TheassessmentofPartAi.e.theInternalAssessmentSchemeasmentionedabove for the semester I to IV shall be processed by the Colleges / Institutions / Departments of their learners. The marks scored by the learners in the Internal Assessment Scheme shall be submitted by the heads of the institutions / colleges / departments to the University as per the schedule prescribed by the. The examination and assessment of Part B i.e. the Semester End Examination shall be processedbytheUniversity.

4.3.2STANDARDOFPASSING Thelearnersshallhavetoobtainaminimumof40%marksinaggregateforeachcoursewhere the course consists of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination. The learners shall obtainminimumof40%marks(i.e.16outof40)intheInternalAssessmentand40%marksin SemesterEndExamination(i.e.24Outof60)separately,topassthecourse


1) A learners who passes in the Internal Examination but fails in the Semester End ExaminationofthecourseshallreappearfortheSemesterEndExaminationofthatcourse. Howeverhis/hermarksoftheInternalExaminationsshallbecarriedoverandhe/sheshall beentitledforgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing.

2) AlearnerwhopassesintheSemesterEndExaminationbutfailsintheInternalAssessment

ofthecourseshallreappearforthe InternalExamination ofthat course.Howeverhis/her marksoftheSemesterEndExaminationshallbecarriedoverandhe/sheshallbeentitled forgradeobtainedbyhim/heronpassing.

3) a. ForNonpracticalCourses In case of learner who is reappearing for the Internal Examination, the examination will consist of one project of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the documentationoftheproject,10marksforthepresentationand10marksfortheviva andtheinteraction. b. ForCourseswithpractical In case of learner who is reappearing for the Internal Examination for subjects with Practical,theexaminationswillconsistofpracticalexaminationof40markswhichwill bedividedinto20marksforthemachinework,10marksfortheVivaExaminationand 10marksfortheJournal. 4.3.4 ALLOWEDTOKEEPTERMS(ATKT): a. AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterIIirrespectiveofnumberofcourses offailureintheSemesterI. b.AlearnershallbeallowedtokeeptermforSemesterIIIifhe/shepasseseachofSemesterI andSemesterII OR AlearnerfailsinnotmorethantwocoursesofSemesterIandSemesterIItakentogether. c. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester IV irrespective of number of courses of failure in Semester III. However, the learner has to pass each of Semester I and SemesterIIinordertoappearforSemesterIV. d. ThelearnercanappearforthesemesterIVexaminationbuttheresultofSemesterVIshall bekeptinabeyanceuntilthelearnerpassesSemesterIII.

The Additional Examination for the Semester End Examinations will have to be conducted by the University and not by the colleges. The conduct of the Internal Assessment for the failed learneristobeconductedbytheColleges/Institutions/Department.

4.3.5ADDITIONALEXAMINATION For learners who have failed or have remained absent on valid grounds, to the satisfaction of the Head of the College / Institution / Department, in the Internal Assessment Scheme at SemesterI,SemesterII,SemesterIIIorSemesterIV,thereshallbearepeatexaminationforthe InternalAssessmentScheme. Thisexaminationwillbeconductedby theHead of theCollege/ Institution / Department after completing the necessary formalities within 15 days after the declarationofresultsbutnotlaterthan25days.



2) 3)

AlearnerwhopassesinallthecoursesbutdoesnotsecureminimumGradeEinproject as applicable has to resubmit a fresh project till he/she secures a minimum Grade E. His/her marks in the theory papers that the learner has passed will be carried forward andhe/sheshallbeentitledforgradeobtainedbythemonpassing. The evaluation of project and vivavoce examination shall be by awarding grade in the sevenpointscaleasgivenin(1)above. A learner shall have to obtain minimum Grade E (or its equivalent marks) in project evaluationandviva/vocetakentogethertoobtain40%marksinprojectwork.

4.3.7CalculationsofGPA&SGPA Semester Grade point Average (SGPA): It is the summation of product of Credit Points and GradePointsdividedbythesummationofCreditsofallCourses. CG SGPA=forasemester. C WhereGisgradeandCiscreditforCourse.

CG CGPA=forallsemesterstakentogether. C The total credits cover the core, elective, field work or extension activities, soft skillsetc. GPA is calculated at the end of each term after grades have been processed and afteranygradehavebeenupdatedorchanged.

Samecriteriaaretobefollowedfor Individualassignment/ Quizzes/Test/ Unit Test/Tutorials/Practical/Projects/Seminar. The teacher should convert his/ her marking in to the quality points and letter grade.



The PERFORMANCE GRADING of the learners shall be on the SEVEN point Grading system as under:

Grade O A B C D E F(Fail)

Marks 70&above 60to69.99 55to59.99 50to54.99 45to49.99 40to44.99 39.99&below

GradePoints 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

TheperformancegradingshallbebasedontheaggregateperformanceofInternalAssessment andSemesterEndExamination.



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