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Outline Due Date: Friday, Oct.25th Essay Due Date: Monday, Oct.28th (Deadline: Wednesday, Oct.


Name:______________________ Date:_____________ Pd:____


The Unit Question: Multi-Paragraph Essay Prompt Write a multi-paragraph essay response to the prompt below. Your first paragraph should include a thesis statement that is then supported throughout the body of your essay. Be sure you address the subquestions in the body of your essay.

Why did global interaction change the Early Modern world?

Why did the early modern economy become global?
Describe and explain characteristics of Eastern and Western Hemisphere trade around 1450 Explain how the world economy became truly global. Use specific details or examples

Why did cultures change as a result of global interaction?

Analyze how cultural changes were connected to interaction. Use at least three regions to support claim Use specific details or examples

Why did political systems change as a result of global interaction?

Analyze common causes of the Atlantic Revolutions. Evaluate the political changes resulting from interaction, including their success in realizing Enlightenment goals. Use at least three regions to support claim Use specific details or examples


Name:______________________ Date:_____________ Pd:____ Paragraph: Thesis Statement of 3-4 sentences to introduce your essay

Why did global interaction change the Early Modern world?

2nd Paragraph
Why did the early modern economy become global?
Characteristics of Trade around 1450 Eastern Hemisphere Western Hemisphere

How the world became truly global Who When Where Why

Name:______________________ Date:_____________ Pd:____

3rd Paragraph
Why did cultures change as a result of global interaction?
People Connected Region Cultural Changes Reason

Name:______________________ Date:_____________ Pd:____

4th Paragraph
Why did political systems change as a result of global interaction?

Region of Revolution Cause


5th Paragraph: Conclusion In 3-4 sentences, summarize your essay. Be sure to mention the various topics discussed

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