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INVESTIGATION REPORT Name: Cristian Francisco Diego

Career: ing informatics Semester: 1 semester B

Date: octuber 01, 2013

United: 3 whose jeans are these Topics : clothes Vocabulary: weather weather-tiempo around- alrededor clothes-ropa disaster- desastre these - estos whose - cuyo mine mina socks-calcetines put poner choose - elegir maybe-talvez

Functions: talk about clothes and colors Grammar Complete the conversations .use the words in the boxes there are two extra word in each box.

His - mine - my your - yours whose 1.- whose jacket is this? Is it No its not These arent Ni they re not phill? ask nick I think its yours books are they maybe they re young mins whose

2.-her - our - ours - your -

Her - hers - their - theirs No theyre not

3.-aweaters are these ? are they julies? sweater but these shorts are
Page web:

Video : Examples : 1. I don't like these jeans at all.or

2. I don't like this pair of jeans at all.

3. I don't like these jeans at all.Yes. I agree.

4. I don't want these scissors. or I don't want this pair of scissors 5. I don't like _ this __ jeans at all. A. this B. these C. these pair of D. this pairs of

Singer / group: juanmagan

Song:veranoazul Titlieprrafo: Baila mi soca, hand up crazy. You take your clothes, drink a glass. You move me stern mommy like you, perreandolow light, camisu skirt and ... no longer taboo.



Parth of the article (book: Complete the information according to the images. Completa la informacin de acuerdo con las imgenes. Example: Whose is this sweater? This1) Whose is this jacket? is Lauras sweater 2) Whose is this t-shirt 3) Whose is these shoes? What did you learn:what I learned in this report is as I can pronounce clothes and was very helpful and would like to learn more about how you can pronounce the different types of clothing

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