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Puli Milagai


1 tbsp. gingelly oil

10 12 no. young & tender greenchillies

25 no.shallots / sambar onions

tsp turmeric powder

A big marble size tamarind

A small lemon size ball of jaggery

Salt to taste

For tempering:

1 tbsp.gingelly oil

tsp mustard

tsp urad dhal

A pinch of hing

Few curry leaves


1. Wash and slit the green chillies half way through . 2. Peel the shallots . 3. Extract juice from tamarind.

4. In a pan heat 1 tbsp. gingelly oil. Add the chillies and shallots and saut well, till they are half cooked. 5. Now add cup of water. Let the chillies and onions get cooked thoroughly. 6. Now add the tamarind juice, turmeric powder and salt . Allow the mixture to simmer for 10 minutes. 7. Add jaggery to the mix, let it simmer for few more minutes and remove from fire. 8. The tempering is done liberally with gingelly oil. Enjoy puli milagai with hot Idli or Dosa.

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