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First you should accept the fact that men and woman are different !

All the debates try to say that they are equal in all ways but whom are you challenging with ? The nature ! - C'mon buddy you are kidding, they can never be same... When a woman's ego provokes or clashes with a Male ego, for sure the relationship breaks. The reason being the inherent dominant trait of a man can only be won by the latent abundant love of woman.Again a known fact - one eg o cannot overcome another can only provoke superego. Again I always get fascinated by the origin of love between a man and woman. The rationale behind it, why only with him...why only with her...why not with.. how it happened...etc., after all it's not the mind's work - It's the hea rt's magical harmony ! and people experiment to go to the extremes to test thems elves how much they love eachother. Let's say that two people are in love for an year and they get into an misunders tanding.They want to prove to eachother how much they will miss each other and for that they din't talk for a couple of days expecting the other to come up fir st. Gradually, they decided to wait still more to show one's importance to anoth er.Where the love suffers, here comes the ego innocently into the mind of the tw o to play on who will start the talk !...Because they are in the game of showing their importance to each other- to show that you cannot be without me, so you b etter accept my love is superior; Is that so ? It can't happen that way...Isin't ? Love and ego can't sleep in the same bed. Either you win the argument or you win your love.Either you win your ego or you let ur ego to win yourself.If you let win your "I", you are bound to lose your love. Then comes the burning question - What is a misunderstanding in an relationship that causes the crack.'s as simple as lack of understanding :) or in o ther words ignoring each other's feelings..not paying heed to one's words when o ne speak one's heart out.. or to be precise, the "I don't care" or " taking for granted" attitude that pricks it. Remedy: Nothing other than the hearts to speak and respect feelings. Author- Subramanian

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