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Viagra Fools Club

Arriving printed shaking. unheard is out of the window. So successful

Havana, Every Thursday.

as soon as you enter Viagra Fools, conversation, ~

at Club Havana, the music at the bar was so loud that MC Bandit was nearly MC Bambi. Make no mistake, towards The order of the day is heads down and no nonsense club nights in Manchester


the tail end of last year that it went weekly in January - - each session represents

of for any big-name

Jungle in its many forms. Previous guests include Mampi-Swift recently. This is testament to the night's quality Bandit.

Ed Rush, Bad Company, league selectors and creative residents;

Kenny Ken,

etc, etc. I could go on, as most premier Rankin plus top-flight that the fresh-faced

have visited Sabre and

Kingsize, Kasa and promoter door policy in town, ensuring any ~moody moments, selector when I attended Kru. The well-heeled amphetamine

guests and the rapid fire chat of crowd doesn't have to put up with of Ganja

MCs Piper, BIC and the aforementioned

Credit must also go to the strictest

no matter how rude the tunes. Spe"aking of rude, the guest un-fresh-faced DJ Hype (pictured) around like had all and sundry leaping

was the decidedly

jump up veteran

laced toddlers

in a bouncy castle - splendid.

By the time you read this

you will have already missed Ram Records head honcho Andy C, so don't beat around the bush, head straight for the jungle!

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