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Planetary Mirror Day - Hall of Mirrors - Activation Portal 18 September, 2010 The same seal of the day Pakal

Votan's tomb was opened in 1952 after being sealed for precisely 1260 years. Since then, the understanding of the Galactic Maya legacy started, the time and space travellers, the new humankind King Pakal Votan died in 683 AD (Rhythmic Mirror day, also activation portal), yet 9 years passed before his tomb was dedicated and sealed in 692 AD. His tomb was not discovered and re-opened until 1952. So he died and reborn on the only 2 activation portal Mirror days! 9 seals from one to the other in the Tzolkin Matrix. The Lord of 9. Between 692 and 1952, there is exactly 1260 years (12:60 man-made time) Between 692 and 2012 (the closing of the cycle and the beginning of new human kind) there is exactly 1320 years (13:20 universal time) 1952 was also the same year Carl Jung coined the "synchronicity" concept, also the same year he wrote the essay "Wotan", the Votan archetype, which is Merlin and also Pakal Votan. Mirror - Etznab I am Etznab, the Hall of Mirrors, In my brilliant simplicity, I merely reect the truth back to you. The same reection is seen by some as beauty, by others as distortion. I, however, just am, mirrored hologram, a means for you to acquire vision that sees through the mirror of his apparent reality. Journey with me now, to the centre of my hall of mirrors by being empty, simple, still, freed for a moment from the endless circling of the maze of mental illusion in the world of appearances. Find my timeless reection in the powerful reality emerging, where time stands still; there will the entry point to the Great Mystery appear. Seize the moment, Enter into the hall of mirrors.

In this place of no time, time out of time, in the endless reception of Self you ask, "Who am I?" The question answers, I am, as a fracture begins to form in the mirror. The crack between the worlds beckons you enter. With the clear intent of Spiritual Warrior, you approach the mirror, whispering, "Truth, truth, call out my new name!" Poem from "Return Path to the Stars", pages 117-118

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