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There are some strenghtness and weakness in this lesson. It is very useful for me to use it when I already become a teacher soon. Firstly, before the lesson begun, a refreshing activity was conducted by the teacher to reduce the sleepy mood. They seemed happy and smiled at me. Firstly, the showed them a video related to the lesson that he was going to teach. But, the class that I entered has no LCD, so the teacher asked the students to go to Computer Laboratory.. All of them gave their attention on the screen and seemed interested. After a few minutes, they got what was the teacher going to tell and teach them. Therefore, he plan was success. He managed to got his student attention and they became curios. Then, the teacher continued the lesson with the power point slide show. For me, power point slide show is more interesting and attractive stuff then using chalk and talk. The slideshow was made interactively with full of colours and using an attractive font. As the result, the students were always looking at the slideshow and it would make the student stay focused in the learning process. A few pictures were also loaded together with the names in the slideshow so the students would not feel bored and make them easy to remember about the lesson. I found Sir Nik Sazani used ICT in his lesson very well.

Even though, there were still weaknesses in his daily lesson. First of all, not all the students have paid attention while the lesson in progress. There were student discussing about other things and did not concentrate in learning. A student was sleeping at the back and a few students seem did not understand about the topic taught. Therefore, I may conclude that the student felt bored and what we have taught was not delivered. Besides, a few students did not involve in exercise at the beginning. The teaching aid used was not attractive enough. The lesson also has lack of hands-on activity. Therefore, certain students have not completely involved in the learning process because it maybe they do not understand it.

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