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This booklet was written by Shaykh-e-arqat Amr-e-
Al-e-Sunnat, the founder of Dawat-e-Islami arat
Allma Mauln Muammad Ilys Ar Qdir Razav



in Urdu. The translation Majlis has translated
this booklet into English. If you find any mistakes in the
translation or composing, please inform the translation
Majlis on the following address and gain awb.

Translation Majlis (Dawat-e-Islami)
Alami Madan Markaz, Faizn-e-Madna, Mahalla Saudagran, Old
Sabz Mand, Bb-ul-Madna, Karachi, Pakistan.
Contact #: +92-21-34921389 to 91












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No matter how lazy Satan makes you feel, read this booklet in its
Benefit of Durd Sharf
The Sultan of Madna -tul-Munawwara, the King of Makka-



said, Oh people! Indeed the
one who recited Durd upon me abundantly in the world will
be the one to be judged quickly and to escape the hardships of
the Day of Judgement. (Firdous-ul-Akhbr, V5, P375, ad 2810)




A person narrates: I went to the Madna-tul-Aliy (City of
the Saints), Multan Sharf and visited the glorious shrine of
Gho Ba-ul-aq wad-Dn akariya Multn

offer my salm (regard). After offering Ftia, as I was about
to leave, I saw a person who was busy in Du. I stopped and

A while ago, this incident was reported in a Gujrt newspaper. I learnt a great lesson
from it, therefore I am presenting what I can remember together with a few of my own
views and comments so that Islamic brothers and sisters can also learn a lesson from it.

The Mysterious Beggar
looked at him. He was tall and thin, and his face was full of
sadness. The reason I stopped was because he had a small
container of water hanging around his neck and the fingers of
his right hand were dipped into it.
When I looked at his face, he seemed familiar. Therefore, I waited
for him to finish his Du. After he had finished, I greeted him.
He replied and looking at me thoughtfully he recognised me.
A slight smile appeared on his dry lips which disappeared quickly
and replaced by sadness. After asking him how he was, I asked
him the reason for hanging a container of water around his neck
with his fingers dipped into it. Giving a painful sigh he said:-
I have a small grocery shop. Once a beggar came to my shop
and asked for help. I took out a coin and placed it in his palm.
Whilst leaving, he prayed for me. The next day he came again
and after taking the coin he left in the same manner. He
became regular, and each time I would give him something.
Sometimes he would sit at my shop, and tell me his sad stories.
Listening to his painful stories would make me feel sorry for
him. I sympathized with him. Soon we became friends. Many
days passed by until one day I felt that something was wrong
because I had not seen him for a some days. I began to worry
thinking that he might have fallen ill. I had not seen his house,
but I knew that he lived in a deserted area outside the city.
After searching for him I found his hut. On entering, I saw some
old items scattered around, including some broken utensils. The
walls and contents showed signs of poverty and need. He was
The Mysterious Beggar
lying on a broken bed on one side of the room, and seemed to
be in a great deal of pain. He was extremely ill and it seemed
that he would not recover. I made Salm and stood next to his
bed. He opened his eyes and after seeing me, a little glimmer of
brightness appeared in his eyes. He gestured to me to sit next
to him. He moved his lips with great difficulty and in a low
tone e said Brother! Please forgive me as I have lied to you a
lot. I replied What? How is that? He said, The sorrowful
stories that I told you were lies. I have been making up similar
stories to other people to get money. Now that there appears
no chance of me surviving, I have to tell you the truth:
I was born in a middle class family. I was married and had
children. I became lazy to work and ended up becoming addicted
to begging. My wife hated my profession of begging and we
argued regularly over this matter. Gradually as time passed, my
kids grew up and I gave them a good education. They obtained
decent jobs and now they also upset with me. They insisted that I
stop begging but I was addicted and helpless to stop myself
from this disease. I loved wealth a lot and I did not want to leave
the wealth which I received without working. As time went on,
our dispute became unbearable and finally I left my wife and
children and came to live in this hut.
After saying this, he pointed towards a pile of rubbish, which was in
one corner of the hut, and said, Move the rubbish aside and under it
you will find four sacks. Open one of the four sacks. I did as I was
told. As soon as I opened the sack, I was shocked to see that it was
full of bundles of money! This beggar now seemed very mysterious
The Mysterious Beggar
to me. He said, All four sacks are full of money. My brother! I have
trusted you and let you in on my secret so now you will have to do
what I say. You will, wont you? After I agreed, he said, Look! I
have loved this wealth a lot. For the sake of this wealth I destroyed
my family. I did not eat well, nor did I wear good clothes, I would
look at my money and become overjoyed. He then paused for a
while and said, Bring a few bundles of notes to me so that I can
admire them!! I took out a few wads from the sack and gave them to
him. A sudden shine appeared in his eyes as he took the bundles
with his shaky hands and placed them on his chest. One by one, he
started kissing the wads. He kissed each wad and placed it on his eyes
and said, My will is a special will and you will have to act according
to it. My will is that I want you to bury my lifes achievement, these
four sacks, with me after I die. I promised that I would act according
to his will. He kept on kissing the notes with pride until suddenly a
frightening scream emerged from his throat and disappeared into
the atmosphere. I trembled with fear as I saw his hand that was
holding the notes, fall and hang off the side of the bed. His head tilted
sidewards and his soul left his body.
I pulled myself together and quickly gathered all the notes that
were on his chest and on the ground and put them back in the
sack. I made a tight knot on the opening of the sack and returned
them under the pile of rubbish. With the help of some
trustworthy individuals, I was successful in digging a big grave
and burying the mysterious beggar along with the four sacks of




The Mysterious Beggar
After a while, I began experiencing losses in my business to the
extent that I became heavily indebted. The debtors kept on harassing
me but there was no way for me to repay them. One day, I
remembered my friend the Mysterious Beggar I felt so foolish for
having buried the sacks of money with him according to his will.
Obviously, the money could not benefit him in the grave. If I kept it
with me, I would have been rich. Satan deceived me with the idea
that it was not too late to recover the money from the grave. I had
kept this secret to myself and had used an excuse regarding the sacks
during burial. The money was still in the grave. This idea sounded
good and I became determined to extract the money from the grave.
One night, I gathered the necessary tools to dig the grave and went
to the graveyard. I stood near the grave and a terrifying silence
surrounded me. My heart was pounding with fear and I was
perspiring profusely. Finally I gathered enough courage and began
digging the grave. After digging two to three strokes, I gained
confidence. After a while I managed to dig a hole in the grave. All I
had to do was put my hand inside the grave, but again I began
losing courage. My body began trembling with fear and various
horrifying thoughts entered my mind. Something within me was
urging me to go back, and stop destroying myself by taking this
arm (taboo) money. But finally, greed overcame me and the
vision of being rich motivated me and gave me the courage to
continue. I was very close to my goal. The lust for money made me
forget the consequences and I put my right hand into the grave. I
searched for the sack when my hand touched something searingly
hot. I screamed due to the intense pain and fear and my scream
The Mysterious Beggar
disappeared into the horrifying silence of the graveyard. I removed
my hand from the grave and ran away as fast as could.
My hand was badly burnt and I felt intense pain. I wept and begged
for forgiveness from All

but the pain of my hand remained. I
have been to many physicians and herbal-doctors without success. I
get relief only when my fingers are dipped in water; so I try to keep
my hand in the water as much as I can.
After hearing this horrifying story, I became disgusted with the world.
I began loathing the lust for worldly power and money and I
remembered the following verse from the Holy Qurn:



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Translation from Kanz-ul-Imn

In the name of All

, the most Affectionate, the
Merciful. Piling of more wealth kept you heedless until you
saw your graves.
(Pra 30, Sra 102, Verses 1 and 2)
Dear Islamic Brothers! Reflect on the destruction caused by the
love of money. The beggar died whilst kissing his arm (taboo)
money and his friend who went to retrieve this arm money got
into trouble. May All

forgive both the mysterious beggar
and his friend and may All

accept these Du on our behalf.







The Mysterious Beggar

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The world has hundreds of lessons
But its colours & hues have blinded you
Have you ever paid attention to this?
The once lively palaces are now deserted?
This world is not a place to put your heart in
This is a place of example, not an amusing spectacle.
Wealth can buy medicine, not cure!
Dear Islamic Brothers! Many Madan pearls of wisdom can be
learnt from this incident. Especially for those who are always
greedy or worried about making money, those who earn
money but do not care if it is arm or all, those people
who do not pray on time with Jamat or even miss their al
because of business dealings and those who seek peace in this
life with money. Remember! Wealth can buy medicine, not
cure. Money can attract friends, not loyalty. Wealth can cause
destruction but it cannot prevent death. Wealth can bring you
fame but not respect.




The Mysterious Beggar
Dear Islamic Brothers! Those who have taken to begging as a
profession can learn many lessons from the incident of the
Mysterious Beggar. Remember! To beg as a profession is
arm (forbidden) and can take a person to Hell. The one
who begs without any Shar reason is seeking the fire of Hell
for himself and the more money he earns in this manner, the
more entitled he will be for the fire. Read four blessed Ai
regarding this:
1. The person who begs even if he is destitute, and does not
have children to support, will arise on the Day of Judgement
in such a manner that he will have no flesh on his face.
(Shuabul-ul-Imn, V3, P274, ad 3526, Dr-ul-Kutub-ul-Ilmiyya
2. The person who begs without need, it is as if he eats burning
coal. (Al-Mujam-ul-Kabr, V11, P.208 , ad 3506, Dr Iy-ut-Tur-
ul-Arab Beirut)
3. The one who begs in order to increase his wealth, he seeks
burning (in Hell) whether he begs for more or less. (a
Muslim, P518, ad 1041, Idra- Ibn-ul- azm Beirut)
4. The one, who begs so that he can increase his wealth, is
seeking a hot stone of Hell. It is up to him if he seeks more
or less. (Al-Isn bi-tartb, a ibn-e-abbn ,V5,P.166, ad 3382,
Dr-ul-Kutub-ul-Ilmiyya Beirut)




The Mysterious Beggar
2) Sparks of fire and smoke from the grave

He used to pray five times a day. Apart from being wealthy, he was
also very kind hearted. He used to help poor people and widows
open-heartedly and even met the costs of marriage of many
orphans. He had also performed aj. One morning, in 1973, he
died. Because of his kind and sociable nature he was loved by all his
neighbours and friends, therefore many people gathered at the
graveyard. The grave was ready. As soon his body was brought
near the grave, something terrifying happened!! The grave closed
up!!! Everyone was astonished by this. The grave was dug once
again. When they were about to lower his body into the grave, the
same thing happened! This happened once more. Finally, they
managed to bury him successfully on the fourth attempt. After
praying for him and after moving away just a few steps the ground
began to tremble. Everyone turned back to see what was happening.
What they saw was extremely terrifying! Cracks had appeared on
the grave and sparks and smoke were coming out of the cracks and
sound of shouting and screaming could be heard from within the
grave. After seeing this, everyone was filled with terror and they ran
away as quickly as possible. Everyone was concerned and wondered
how this apparently very pious, kind, and noble person could be
punished. On inquiring and learning about his past they discovered
that the deceased was very intelligent from childhood and benefited
from a good education. On completing his education, he used

This horrifying incident was published in Naw-e-Waqt magazine as a true story. It is
being presented in my own words so that Islamic brothers and sisters can learn a lesson
from it Sag-e-Madna

The Mysterious Beggar
bribery and other influential sources to obtained employment in a
government office. He became addicted to the habit of bribery. He
bought a plot of land using the bribery money and accumulated a
vast amount of wealth. He performed aj with this money and he
used to help people from his arm (taboo) earnings. We seek the
refuge of All

from His


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If you go on apparent beauty
You will be deceived by the temporal world
This beautiful snake will bite you
Do not be negligent or you will regret
One day you will die, finally there is death
Do what you wish, but finally there is death
Dear Islamic Brothers! Did you see the horrifying result of
earning money through arm means? Remember! According
to a ad, the one who gives a bribe and the one who takes it
are both destined for Hell. (Al-Mujam-ul-Awsa lil-abarn, V1,
P550, ad 2026, Dr-ul-Kutub-ul-Ilmiyya Beirut)




The Mysterious Beggar
Charity given from arm (taboo) earnings is not
Good deeds performed using this arm wealth are of no use
because All

is pure and accepts only pure things. The
Beloved of All, the Mercy to the Worlds



said, The person who earns arm (taboo or forbidden) money
and gives it away in charity, it will not be accepted from him.
Whatever he spends will be devoid of blessing, and that which
he leaves behind in this world, will become a cause of him
going to Hell. (Shar-u-sunna-lil-baghw, V4, P.205/206, ad 2023,
Dr-ul-Kutub-ul-Ilmiyya Beirut)
Destructive effect of a morsel of arm food
It is narrated that when a morsel of arm food enters the
stomach of the children of Adam, the angels of the earth and
the sky will curse him until that morsel remains in his stomach
and if he were to die in this state, his destination would be Hell.
(Mukshafa-tul-Qulb, P10, Dr-ul-Kutub-ul-Ilmiyya Beirut)
3) A crooked grave
On 27
Jamd-ul-Awwal 1411 ijr, a police officer's body was
brought to the Rata-Amrl graveyard in Rawalpindi. When
his body was about to be lowered into the grave, it suddenly
became crooked! At first, everyone blamed the grave-digger so
they dug another grave. When the body was about to be lowered
in the grave, the grave became crooked again!! The people became
The Mysterious Beggar
scared and worried. The same thing happened for the third
time. The grave would become so crooked that burying the
body would be difficult. Finally, everyone attending the funeral
prayed for the deceased and decided that no matter what, they
would bury him in the fourth grave. So, even though the grave
was crooked, they forced the body into the grave and managed
to bury him. We seek the refuge of All

from His



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Death neither left Caesar nor Dr
Even defeated Alexander the Great
All went with unfulfilled desires
Their fame and fortune left behind
This world is not a place to put your heart in
This is a place of example, not an amusing spectacle
Dear Islamic Brothers! A great lesson can be learnt from this
terrifying incident of the police officer. All


knows best
as to what sins the police officer had committed which became
a lesson for us. Those who seek status and fame should read
the following incident carefully:
The Mysterious Beggar
Will be thrown into hell
Sayyidun Abdull ibn Abbs

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has narrated that the
Beloved of All ,



said, The person who became
the leader of ten people and made decisions about them and
whether they approved of his decisions or not, he will be
brought on the Day of Judgement in such a manner that his
hands will be tied to his neck. If he makes decisions according
to the rulings revealed by All

and does not take bribes
and is not unjust, he will be freed. If he goes against the rulings
revealed by All


and took bribes and made unfair decisions,
his hands will be tied together and he will be thrown into Hell
and will not find himself at the bottom even after 500 years.
(Al-Mustadrak lil-akm, V5, P140, ad 7151, Dr-ul-Marifa Beirut)
4) The deceased sat upright
Read about the horrifying incident of a cloth trader of Jawar-
bd (Tando Adam, Pakistan) and fear the wrath of All

: According to a newspaper report, a body was brought to
the graveyard. As soon as the Imm had started the funeral
al the deceased sat upright! People got frightened and ran
away. The Imm also stopped the al and with the help of
some people made the deceased lie down. This happened three
times. The Imm asked the relatives of the deceased whether
the deceased used to take interest. They said yes. The Imm
refused to perform the funeral al! When the people lowered
the body into the grave, it sunk into the ground. People covered
The Mysterious Beggar
it with soil and went home without reading Ftia. We seek
the refuge of All

from His



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Interest & bribes are disgusting
And the punishment in Hell acute
Four narrations on the prohibition of interest
Dear Islamic brothers! These kind of frightening incidents are
disclosed to enable us to worry about the consequences of
committing sins and start acting upon the sunna of the Holy



. Apart from the punishments that are
made public, the sinners can also face other punishments. In
this terrifying incident, the deceased has been exposed as
taking interest. Indeed, interest is a very bad. Read four Ai
in order to understand this:
1. It is mentioned in a Muslim: The Prophet




cursed the one who took interest, the one who gave interest,
the one who recorded it and the one who bore witness to it
and said: They all are equal. (a Muslim, P862, ad 1598,
Dr- Ibn-ul- azm Beirut)
2. It is mentioned in Sunan Ibn-e-Mja that the Holy Prophet



said: Interest is a collection of 73 sins and
the lowest sin in these is a man committing adultery with
his mother. (Sunan Ibn-e-Mja, V3, P72, ad 2274/2275)
The Mysterious Beggar
3. It is mentioned in Musnad Imm Amad bin anbal that
the person who takes even one dirham of interest intentionally,
it is worse than committing adultery 36 times. (Musnad Imm
Amad bin anbal, V8, P223, ad 22016, Dr-ul-Fikr Beirut)
4. It is narrated in Sunan Ibn-e-Mja that the Holy Prophet

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said: On the night of Marj (ascension)
I passed by some people whose stomachs were like houses
and were filled with snakes which were visible from the
outside. I asked, Oh Jibrl


! Who are these people?



replied, These are those who took interest. (Sunan

Ibn-e-Mja, V3, P71/72, ad 2273, Dr-ul-Marifa Beirut)
The great commentator of the Qurn, Muft Amad Yr Khn



comments on this ad Sharf saying: Today if
even a small worm is found in the stomach, it affects the health
and makes one restless. Now imagine the state of the one
whose stomach is filled with snakes and scorpions, and the
pain he will go through. We ask All

for His

(Mir-tul-Manj, V4, P259, Al-Qurn publications, Markaz-ul-Aliy Lahore)




5) The grave was full of scorpions
In a village, a barber's final moment of life was approaching and
people asked him to recite the Shada
. He did not answer so

This is the wrong way to ask someone to recite the Shada. The correct way is to go
close to the dying person and start reciting the Shada so that the person dying
remembers it and starts reciting it.
The Mysterious Beggar
he was asked to recite the Shada again. Due to the terrifying
hardships of death, he abused the Shada
and died after a
short while. When he was about to be buried, everyone began
screaming because the grave that was dug for him was full of
scorpions! The people covered the grave and dug another one but
even that was full of scorpions as well. Consequently they put the
body in the grave and covered it. We seek the refuge of All


from His


Earnings from shaving beards is arm

Those barbers who shave the beards of others, or trim it less than
the size of one fist, and make a living out of this dreadful sin should
learn a lesson from this horrifying incident. The earnings out of
such work are arm. All those who get their beards shaved or
trimmed to less than the size of one fist in length should fear the
wrath of All

because this act is arm. It is mentioned in
Waqr-ul-Fatw, part 1, page 259: It is arm to shave the beard,
doing this act is arm, getting it shaved from someone is arm
and the earning from it is also arm (taboo).


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Islamic ruling of arm property
There are two types of arm property:

It is mentioned in Bar-e-Sharat, part 4, page 158 that a ruling of disbelief cannot be
placed on a person if he utters words of disbelief at the time of death because perhaps it
was due to the pain of death death that he uttered these words while in a state of
unconsciousness. (Durr-e-Mukhtr, V3, P96, Dr-ul-Marifa Beirut)
The Mysterious Beggar
1. arm property that is obtained by stealing, bribery, force
and other things related to this. The one who receives
such property is never considered as the true owner of
this property. The ruling according to Shara is that it is
obligatory upon him to return the property to the rightful
owner. If the owner is not alive, it should be given to his
heirs/inheritors and if the heirs/inheritors are not found
then without the intention of reward it should be given as
2. The second example of arm property is that which is
acquired by earnings due to a profession from which
arm earning is obtained, for example, interest, barbers
who shave the beard or trim it less than a fist etc. The
same ruling also applies to this but the only difference is
that it is not Far to return the property to the owner or
his inheritors. He can give it to charity without the
intention of gaining reward but it is better if he returns it
to the owner or inheritors. (Fatw-e-Razavyya, V23, P.551-
552 etc)
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Repent Alls

Mercy is Vast
Lest punishment in the grave be great




The Mysterious Beggar
Madan incident of selflessness
I would like to present a Madan incident which took place
with an Islamic sister: In an area of Mumbai, India, the weekly
sisters Ijtim of Dawat-e-Islm the international non-political
movement for the propagation of the Qurn and Sunna took
place on 22
afar-ul-Muaffar 1428 ijr (12 March 2007).
At the end of the Ijtim a new Islamic sister came to a responsible
Islamic sister and told her that she had lost her slippers. The
responsible Islamic sister presented her slippers to the new
Islamic Sister. Another Islamic sister, who had been in the
Madan environment for approximately 7 months, was also
present. She came forward and said, Cant I even make this
much of a sacrifice for Dawat-e-Islami? After saying this, she
took off her slippers and persuaded the new Islamic Sister to
accept them and went home barefoot.
When she went to sleep, her destiny changed. She saw the
Beloved Prophet



, whose blessed face shone like
the moon and an old Muballigh of Dawat-e-Islm wearing a
Green Imma Sharf (turban) sitting at the blessed feet of the
Beloved Prophet



. The Holy Prophet





began to speak and said to her, The words which you uttered
at the time of giving the sandals, i.e. Cant I even make this
much of a sacrifice for Dawat-e-Islami were liked very much
by me. (Apart from this, The Holy Prophet


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reassured her)




The Mysterious Beggar
Dear Islamic Brothers! Did you see? What a beautiful Madan
incident of selflessness and what can be said about the
blessings of selflessness. The Holy Prophet



said, The person who gives to others what he desires for
himself, will be forgiven by All

. (Ittifussda-til-Muttaqn,
V9, P779, Dr-ul-Kutub-ul-Ilmiyya Beirut)
Dear Islamic Brothers! Cant you sacrifice just three days in a
month to travel on the Madan Qfila in order to have a
better hereafter? It is time to think deeply! Cant we make this
much of a sacrifice for Dawat-e-Islm?
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May All

bless you in this world
O Dawat-e-Islm your fame be widespread
Oh All

! Give us the ability to show selflessness and give
open heartedly while making good intentions. Give us martyrdom
with Imn beneath the blessed dome in the beautiful city of
Madna-tul-Munawwara, make our place of burial in Jannat-ul-
Baq and make us companions of your Beloved




in Jannat-ul-Firdos.








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The Mysterious Beggar
Glad tidings of being a neighbour of the master _

numerous Jamit (Islamic Universities) under the
name of Jmia-tul-Madna have been established by
Dawat-e-Islm to teach Dars-e-Nim (lim course) free of
charge to Islamic brothers and Islamic sisters.



in 1427ah approximately 160 students from these
Jamit travelled in the path of All

for 12 months.
Initially they enrolled in the Madan Qfila Course, during
which their morale was boosted. 77 students were inspired and
offered to go on Madan Qfilah for the rest of their lives. The
enthusiasm of the students was further boosted further by this
most blessed incident. One lover of the Master of both worlds,
King of the universe



was blessed with seeing the
Beloved Prophet



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in his dream; the Masters




sweet petal-like lips began to move, flowers of
mercy began to drop from them, and he




said, All
those who have offered themselves for their entire lives on
Madan Qfilah will be with me in Heaven. This lover began
to feel regret and thought to him, I wish Id have been amongst
those fortunate people.The Beloved of All, knower of the
unseen, the faultless




realised my inner thoughts
and said, If you want to be amongst them then offer your entire
life (to serve Madan Qfilas).




The Mysterious Beggar
The Blessings of Sunna-Inspired Speeches
What follows is the summary of a Pakistani Islamic brothers
sworn statement:
From 1987 to 1990 I was affiliated with a political movement.
The increasing corruption and mischief (in Pakistan) made my
family talk me into leaving the country, so I ended up travelling to
Amman, and on 3/11/90 I started work in a garment factory in
Muscat (the capital).
In 1992 an Islamic brother associated with Dawat-e-Islm
joined our factory as a labourer. As a result of his Infird
Koshish (individual effort)

I began to pray my al.
The environment in the factory wasnt any good at all, in just
our department there were about 8 or 9 cassette players and
songs were played all the time in several different languages,
Urdu, Punjabi, Pashtu, Hindi, Bengali etc, with the volume
always turned up.

due to the blessings of the company of this Ashiq-e-
Rasl I had begun to hate music; so we both decided that we
would buy sunna-inspired cassettes distributed by Maktaba-
tul-Madin and play them in the factory. In the beginning we
faced objections and criticism, but we didnt give up, and


I began to see the blessings of these sunna-inspired
speeches; the speeches that inspired me the most were The
First Night in the Grave, Colours of the World, Unfortunate
Groom, The Talking Grave, and 3 Graves (all in Urdu). (You
can buy these recorded speeches from bookstalls called Maktaba-
tul-Madin in your own countries)
The Mysterious Beggar
I began to contemplate about the afterlife, and hate sins. The
speeches inspired a few others as well who began to approach
the movement. The Ashiq-e-Rasl who had created this Madan
transformation inside my heart left his job and returned to
Pakistan. I had 90 sunna-inspired cassettes sent over from
Pakistan. To begin with, there were only 50 or 60 men in the
factory who would pray their al but as a result of listening
to these speeches

this number had increased to
somewhere between 200 and 250.
We contributed to buying an expensive 400 watt speaker that
we fixed to the wall so that we could listen to the speeches with
ease. We decided that we would listen to Qurn recitation
from 7:00 - 8:00 in the morning, poetry in praise of our dear

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from 8:00 - 9: 00, and then a sunna-
filled speech from 9:0010:00. Slowly and gradually we formed
a collection of 500 cassettes. Apart from me, 5 other Islamic
brothers had decided to join Dawat-e-Islm.

we began a Masjid Dars, and then slowly and gradually
we started a sunna-inspired weekly Ijtim (gathering) in our
factory which would be attended by approximately 250 Islamic
brothers. Then we started a Madrasa-tul-Madin (for adults).
Islamic brothers (within the factory) began to practice the
Sunna; several of them adopted the blessed Sunna of
growing a beard, a symbol of love for our Beloved Madan

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, 20 to 25 Islamic brothers began to
wear the blessed turban. Our manager used to object to us
listening to the cassettes at first but the sound of the speeches
The Mysterious Beggar
vibrated in his ears again and again and eventually he too was
influenced and began to pray his al; he also grew a fist long
The Islamic brother further says: I have returned to Pakistan
and at the moment I am trying to serve the Sunna as a
servant (Nigrn) of the Mushwarat of a division in Karachi.
Sunna-inspired cassettes sold by Maktaba-tul-Madin brought
an enormous change in my life and that is why I wish every
Islamic brother and Islamic sister would listen to at least one
sunna-inspired speech or Madan Mukara (answers-
questions) every single day,


this will bring huge
blessings in both worlds.




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