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Types of Research Designs

Exploratory Descriptive Causal

Exploratory research design

All marketing research projects must start with exploratory research design This is preliminary phase major emphasis is on the discovery of ideas and insights following three methods are used

Literature surveys, Experience surveys, Analysis of selected cases.

Exploratory Research
Small-scale Relatively low costs Flexible Implemented in many ways Inconclusive findings

Descriptive Research
Attitudes, perceptions, characteristics, activities, and situations Something that was previously hypothesized to occur Builds off previous information Shows a relationship or association between variables

Descriptive Research (continued) Representative samples Structured research plans Requires substantial resources Conclusive findings

Descriptive Research Design

Also called as explanatory research design descriptive sturdy is typically concerned with determining frequency with which something occurs descriptive study is usually rigid and formal

It requires formulation of more specific hypothesis and testing. There are two types research designs used in descriptive research Case research design (depth) Statistical research design (breadth)

Causal Research
Cause and effect relationships Logical time sequence Associated variation Control for other possible causal factors

Causal Study Relationships

Symmetrical- two variables are alternate Indicators of independent variable

Reciprocal- two variables mutually influence each other Asymmetrical- postulate that change in one vaiable is responsible for change in another variable

Experimental research design

Also called as experimentation or causal research. Experimental designs are blue prints, which provide guidelines to conduct the final experiments two broad categories Informal designs Formal designs.

Features of a good design:

Flexible, appropriate, efficient and economical etc. Minimizes bias Maximizes the reliability of the data

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