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Alyce Pickering Advanced Compisition 10/19/2013

Thesis Topic question and questions to answer in research paper.

What are the social repercussions on Disney films throughout the decades, and how dothey shape the childeren of the time? 1.What Disney movies came out when? 2.What has happening generally in the social aspect of america when each disney movies came out? 3.What was happening globally when each disney movie came out? 4.What Disney movies specificaly will I focus on? 5.What are the classifying characteristics of childrenin the decades the movies I choose? 6.How much do movies actually affect children when they are children? 7.How do they affect them after the children grow up? 8.Depending on what movie in what decade what was that generation known for later in history? 9.Did the films affect more Men or women? 10.What messages did the movies send out? 11.What about the messages changed in the movies? 12.What were the diferences beteen the movies with Heroins (pocahontas beauty and the beast) and heros (hercules aladdin) 13.How did the massive "disnicifaction" of classic darker storylines affect the children that saw them? 14.How did the situations in society shape the disney movies?

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