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Terms and Condition for Car Rental(JDS 2094)

1.Car rental is from 6.00am to 3.00pm daily from Monday to Friday except gerko days. 2.Charge for car rental per day is RM30.Extra charge is imposed for not complying the time rule.Payment should be paid weekly. 3.Car renter is responsible for any kind of damage,saman,or dissapperance to the car during the rental period of the car. 4.Car owner is not responsible for any kind of accidents,injuries,or even death of the car renter during the car rental period. 5.The purpose of car rental is solely for the practical practice for teacher training. 6.Car renter can only use the car as a transportation back and forth to SJK(C) Hwa Aik,Arau,Perlis,from Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Perlis,Behor Pulai, Perlis. 7.Car renter is required to fill in the form and sign for each time he uses the car. 8.The car key will be in the safekeeping of the car renter,any damage to the car key and alarm system is also the responsibility of the car renter. 9.Car renter should notify the car owner when he gets back to the campus. 10.Car renter is responsible for the usage of petrol. 11.Car owner reserves the right to change or alter the terms and condition without prior notice to the car renter.

I _____________________,IC number_____________________ have read and accept the above terms and condition for the rental of the car.I will also try my best to obey the terms and condition above.

Car owner, _______________ (Lee Wen Shuang)

Car renter, _______________ ( )


Time of departure

Time of arrival


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