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Planning on Cooking Kaledo

Materials Purchase Monday, August 26 -250g of beef -Cow leg -Asam Jawa -8 cabe rawit - Lime leaves -Salt -Onion -Pepper -2 Garlic -Oil -Rice -250g of beef -Cow leg -Water -Rice Steps Buy materials Kitchen Utensils Time August 26 Actual Time

Preparation Wednesday, October 23

- Wash the cow leg and beef -Cut the beef into dices -Boil the beef until it is half cooked -Cook the rice Divide the materials needed for 5 groups

-Boiling pan -Chopping board -Knife -Rice cooker

30 minutes

-Asam Jawa -8 cabe rawit -Lime -Salt -Onion -Pepper -2 Garlic -Oil Cooking Thursday, October 24 - oil -2 Garlic -Onion


15 minutes

-Heat the oil -Peel the garlic -Chop the garlic into small pieces -Stir fry until it has a smell

-Chopping Board -Knife -Boiling pan -Stove

10 minutes

-250g of beef -Cow leg -Asam Jawa -Chili - Lime leaves

- Cut the beef into dices. -Pour the broth into the boiling pan - Boil the beef -After the beef is tender, insert asam Jawa, lime leaves and chili into the boiling pan

-Boiling pan -Spatula -Knife -Chopping board

15-20 minutes

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-Taste the food, add salt as much as it needs -Serve 1 portion in a bowl -Add fried onions -Put some rice -Fill out the survey paper -Wash all the used spoons, pans, and plates


5 minutes

Displaying Thursday, October 24

Survey Thursday, October 24 Cleaning up Thursday, October 24

-well boiled beef with broth -Fried onions -Rice Survey paper

-Display bowl -Spoon

5 minutes

-Food sample -Cooked food -Soap -Sponge

10 minutes 10 minutes

All used kitchen utensils

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