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May 4, 2012

World War II Activity: Switzerland

Switzerland remained neutral and their policy was to not support any side or fighting in a war. Switzerland did not participate in World War I. Despite the fact that most Swiss ethnically were French, German or Italian, Switzerland was able to maintain peace, neutrality, and independence during the war. Switzerlands main foreign policy goal was to continue to maintain its neutrality.

#1: The Czechoslovakia Crisis

We think our country responded with choice B. proclaimed neutrality, because we dont want to get involved with issues that can start war and our policy is to remain neutral. (B) We think our country responded with choice E. proclaimed neutrality, because we remain neutral and we dont want to get involved with war. (F)

Predicted Choice & Choice Actually Chosen

#2: The Violation of the Munich Pact

#3: The Invasion of Poland

#4: The Invasion of France

#5: The Battle of Britain

We think our country responded with choice B. proclaimed neutrality but prepared for a defensive war in case of invasion, because there was a more risk of the war merging to Switzerland. (B) We think our country responded with choice D. proclaimed neutral but in defense, because we are allies with France but have German and French civilians that can cause conflicts to come to Switzerland. (D) We think our country responded with choice F. proclaimed neutral but in defense, because we are physically surrounded by Nazi controlled countries that can attack even if we were neutral. (F)

V. Democracy A. Two men who were opposed to appeasement and refused to negotiate with Hitler. 1. Franklin D. Roosevelt: U.S. President 1923-1945 2. Winston Churchill: British Prime Minister 1940-1945

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