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What is Bluetooth Technology?

Lesson 8
Leslie Reyes-4B October 9, 2013

Leslie Reyes 4B

Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth is a very common thing to have this day in age. Bluetooth is simply something that is used to transfer information using a short- wavelength instead of wires. Bluetooth is used for almost everything such as keyboards, computer mice, cell phones, and even video games. Bluetooth is an essential element for bringing everyday objects into the connected world. Bluetooth was invented in 1994 by a group of engineers from a Swedish company named Ericsson. Later in 1998 Ericsson, Intel, Nokia, Toshiba and IBM came together to form the Bluetooth Special Interest Group, simply known as SIG. SIG is a not-for-profit organization that is privately held and was founded in September 1998 and is the body that controls the licensing of Bluetooth technologies to manufactures. Bluetooth got its name from the anglicized name of Harald Bltand, a 10th century Danish King. Bluetooth has very much evolved since its invention. Two years after SIG was formed Bluetooth became commercially available. Bluetooth appeared first on mobile phones, then moved on to headsets. Throughout the years Bluetooth has spread out to many other technological devices such as laptops, printers, keyboards, cameras and much more. Some key features of Bluetooth are that it is low power, and low cost. Range of Bluetooth may vary depending on the class of radio you use. Class three radios have a range of up to three feet. Class two radios, which are most commonly found in mobile devices, have a range of thirty-three feet. Finally class one radios, which are used primarily in industrial cases, has a range of up to 300 feet. In conclusion Bluetooth, starting in 1994, has evolved over the years and is still expected to improve. Bluetooth being able to connect wirelessly to transfer information, and being low power and is at an affordable cost, causes much convenience to use in our worlds everyday lives. Bluetooth is used for almost everything it peoples common day to day lives, be it work related or simply to play some video games, you cannot deny that Bluetooth has changed how technology works.

Leslie Reyes 4B

(techradar.phones) (Bluetooth) (Youtube) (Wikipedia-bluetooth ) (Intermedia Minute #3: Bluetooth and WiFi Communication )

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